Wind River Support Network


LIN7-3129 : CLONE - wrlinux 6 - rlogin script tcpd path

Created: Mar 11, 2015    Updated: Sep 8, 2018
Resolved Date: Apr 20, 2015
Found In Version: 7.0
Fix Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux 7
Component/s: Userspace


In wrlinux 6, in the rlogin xinet.d script, a wrong path is being referenced under the server_args section.

server		= /usr/bin/tcpd
instead of
server		= /usr/sbin/tcpd

Wind River Linux qemu0 console

qemu0 login: root
root@qemu0:~# cat /etc/xinetd.d/rlogin 
# default: off
# description:
# Rlogind is a server for the rlogin program. The server provides remote 
# execution with authentication based on privileged port numbers from trusted
# host
service login
	socket_type	= stream
	protocol	= tcp
	flags		= NAMEINARGS
	wait		= no
	user		= root
	group		= root
	log_on_success	+= USERID
	log_on_failure	+= USERID
	server		= /usr/bin/tcpd
	server_args	= /usr/sbin/in.rlogind -a
	disable		= yes
root@qemu0:~# find / -name tcpd

Steps to Reproduce

configure a wrlinux 6 project based on:

--enable-board=intel-x86-64 --enable-kernel=preempt-rt --enable-rootfs=glibc-std+installer-support --enable-checkout-all-layers=yes --enable-reconfig --enable-jobs=9 --enable-parallel-pkgbuilds=9 --with-template=feature/target-toolchain,feature/lttng2,feature/wrsv-ltt,feature/nfsd,feature/build_libc --enable-rm-oldimgs=yes --enable-bootimage=ext3 --with-rcpl-version=0017

boot and check for the locations of tcpd and the server_args path under /etc/xinetd.d/rlogin 

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