Wind River Support Network


LIN7-2384 : The cpptest unit test of heapscope ptest failed for qemux86.

Created: Dec 10, 2014    Updated: Sep 8, 2018
Resolved Date: Feb 17, 2015
Found In Version: 7.0
Fix Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux 7
Component/s: Workbench Integration


The heapscope ptest, cpptest, fails for qemux86.

This failure looks like many other failures, a slight difference in library implementation library names, and/or in this case the addition of an entry at the higher (and irrelevant for this usecase) levels of the call stack.

The functionality for heapscope on qemux86 for cpp modules is not compromised by these test results - the test fixture needs to be fixed.

Steps to Reproduce

configure --enable-board=qemux86 --enable-rootfs=glibc-small --enable-build=debug --enable-kernel=standard --with-template=feature/analysis,feature/debug-wb --enable-test=yes
make fs
make start-target TOPTS="-in 10"
root@qemu10:/usr/lib/heapscope/ptest# ./run-ptest 

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