Our customer noticed some issues within README.libc-headers: "Patching is explicitly disabled in this recipe, since header changes must be ----->coordinated with the running kerne"L" and hence must be sourced from the same repository to ensure they are in sync. Modifications should be pushed to the master repository and the AUTOREV of the recipe will automatically pick up changes. The exported headers are used for both sysroot and SDK population and are ----->generated from the kernel's 'make_headers" target. "
/installs/wrlinux8/wrlinux-8/wrlinux/configure --enable-board=qemux86-64 --enable-kernel=standard --enable-rootfs=glibc-std --enable-checkout-all-layers=yes --enable-jobs=4 --enable-parallel-pkgbuilds=4 --with-rcpl-version=0004 check - layers/wr-kernel/kernel-dev/README.libc-headers