When looking at journalctl logs 1.) journalctl -f, I noticed that the logs are being flooded with Feb 29 21:22:46 WR-LX-6EA1 sh[1253]: /opt/cln/galileo/launcher.sh: line 22: /dev/ttyGS0: No such file or directory There seems to be bugs reported to this on IDP that have been closed off, but I'm testing a non_IDP load Seen in: IntelQuark Load BUILD_CONFIGURATION: GIT_TAG: HDC2.160832 BB_VERSION = "1.24.0" BUILD_SYS = "x86_64-linux" NATIVELSBSTRING = "Ubuntu-14.04" DISTRO = "wrlinux" DISTRO_VERSION = "" MACHINE = "intel-quark" DEFAULTTUNE = "quark" TARGET_SYS = "i586-wrs-linux" TUNE_FEATURES = "m32 i586 quark