when we run a script to read a file repeatly in ash of busybox. the memory used by ash will increase gradually.
1. create a project: /WindRiver-4.3/wrlinux-4/wrlinux/../ldat/configure --enable-rootfs=glibc_small --enable-board=fsl_p204x --with-rcpl-version=0027 --with-product-dir=/WindRiver-4.3/wrlinux-4/wrlinux --enable-parallel-pkgbuilds=4 --enable-jobs=4 2. add package 'procps' to project then build project 3. replace busybox's configuration with attached 'busybox_config', then rebuild busybox and project 4. boot wrlinux on board 5. run attached script 'test.sh', then we can see 'hmemx' increase one by one.