postfix (both native and tgt version) fail when they can't recognize the host system. I've no idea why there even is a native version. And the target one should not be looking at the host ; it should be looking in the sysroot at most. Fail is below. Configure line is: /7.x/wrlinux-x/wrlinux/configure --enable-board=intel_x86-64 --enable-kernel=preempt_rt --enable-rootfs=glibc_std --enable-jobs=10 --enable-parallel-pkgbuilds=10 --with-rcpl-version=0 DEBUG: Executing shell function do_compile NOTE: make -j 10 -e MAKEFLAGS= OPT= DEBUG= OPTS= makefiles make -f MAKELEVEL= Makefiles (echo "# Do not edit -- this file documents how Postfix was built for your machine."; /bin/sh makedefs) >makedefs.tmp ATTENTION: ATTENTION: Unknown system type: Linux 4.2.0-pod ATTENTION: recipe for target 'Makefiles' failed make: *** [Makefiles] Error 1 Makefile:21: recipe for target 'makefiles' failed make: *** [makefiles] Error 2 ERROR: oe_runmake failed WARNING: /7.x/builds/rt/bitbake_build/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/postfix-native/2.11.1-r0/temp/do_compile/run.do_compile.30979:1 exit 1 from exit 1 ERROR: Function failed: do_compile (log file is located at /7.x/builds/rt/bitbake_build/tmp/work/x86_64-linux/postfix-native/2.11.1-r0/temp/do_compile/log.do_compile.30979)
Configure and build with: --enable-board=qemuarm --enable-rootfs=glibc-std --enable-kernel=standard --enable-unsupported-host=i686 --enable-parallel-pkgbuilds=8 --enable-jobs=8 --enable-patchresolve=noop --enable-buildstats=yes --enable-bootimage=noimage