Problem Description ====================== If build the root fs to lib64, there are 10 run time cases that are passed on the default rootfs failed on cav-octeon2, they are: LAMP-test initscripts cronie dbus libnl tcl dbus-wait watchdog inotify-tools procps Expected Behavior ====================== The tests can all pass Observed Behavior ====================== Please refer the "log location" info
1. clone/pull userspace test layer git clone git:// 2. configure --enable-board=cav-octeon2 --enable-kernel=standard --enable-rootfs=glibc_std --with-layer=/buildarea/product/wrlinux-x/layers/wr-features,/buildarea/product/wrlinux-x/layers/wr-security,meta-selinux,/buildarea/wr-testing/userspace make MLIB=lib64 fs 3. boot target and run cd /opt/wr-test ./ or cd /opt/wr-test/testcases/userspace/TESTCASE ./<test name>