"TAR=" variable inside gpg-zip script don't have a consistent path I have tested locally on two different machines and I have different TAR paths. First test was on a Fedora machine. -bash-4.3$ grep '^TAR=' build/gnupg-1.4.7*/image/usr/bin/gpg-zip TAR=/usr/bin/tar Second test on a Ubuntu machine. workspace_linux/qemux86-64-cgl-wrl5$ grep '^TAR=' build7*/image/usr/bin/gpg-zip TAR=/bin/tar Please notice the difference: TAR=/usr/bin/tar versus TAR=/bin/tar Customer has a different path which includes project dir: $ grep '^TAR=' build/gnupg-1.4.7*/image/usr/bin/gpg-zip TAR=/path/to/project_dir/bitbake_build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/tar
Configure a project with below config line: configure --enable-board=qemux86-64 --enable-build=production --enable-kernel=cgl --enable-rootfs=glibc_cgl --enable-jobs=10 --enable-parallel-pkgbuilds=16 --enable-reconfig --enable-rm-work=yes --with-rcpl-version=0035 $ echo 'PREFERRED_VERSION_gnupg = "1.4.7"' >> local.conf $ make -C build gnupg.install $ grep '^TAR=' build/gnupg-1.4.7*/image/usr/bin/gpg-zip