README ---- Building the intel-x86 layer ---------------------------------- This layer and the wr-kernel layer should be added to bblayers.conf. This is done automatically when using the Wind River configure wrapper. Note: To build a 64-bit kernel + 64-bit rootfs, use: --enable-board=intel-x86-64 To build a 32-bit kernel + 32-bit rootfs combination, use the following configuration: --enable-board=intel-x86-32 Multilib is also supported by this BSP. 1. To configure a project with 32-bit multilib support for the entire rootfs, use: --enable-multilib=lib32 2. To add 32-bit multilib support for an existing project, use: make bbs bitbake lib32-wrlinux-image-glibc-std 3. To add 32-bit mulilib support for a specific package, use: make bbs make lib32-<pkg-name> ---- Does it need --enable-multilib option for supporting Multilib?