Wind River Support Network


LIN6-11819 : CLONE - [tz-announce] 2016g release of tz code and data available

Created: Oct 12, 2016    Updated: Dec 3, 2018
Resolved Date: Oct 12, 2016
Found In Version: 6.0
Fix Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux 6
Component/s: Userspace


The 2016g release of the tz code and data is available. It reflects the following changes, which were either circulated on the tz mailing list or are relatively minor technical or administrative changes:

  Changes to future time stamps

    Turkey switched from EET/EEST (+02/+03) to permanent +03,
    effective 2016-09-07.    Use "+03" rather
    than an invented abbreviation for the new time.

    New leap second 2016-12-31 23:59:60 UTC as per IERS Bulletin C 52.

  Changes to past time stamps

    For America/Los_Angeles, spring-forward transition times have been
    corrected from 02:00 to 02:01 in 1948, and from 02:00 to 01:00 in

    For zones using Soviet time on 1919-07-01, transitions to UT-based
    time were at 00:00 UT, not at 02:00 local time.  The affected
    zones are Europe/Kirov, Europe/Moscow, Europe/Samara, and

  Changes to past and future time zone abbreviations

    The Factory zone now uses the time zone abbreviation -00 instead
    of a long English-language string, as -00 is now the normal way to
    represent an undefined time zone.

    Several zones in Antarctica and the former Soviet Union, along
    with zones intended for ships at sea that cannot use POSIX TZ
    strings, now use numeric time zone abbreviations instead of
    invented or obsolete alphanumeric abbreviations.  The affected
    zones are Antarctica/Casey, Antarctica/Davis,
    Antarctica/DumontDUrville, Antarctica/Mawson, Antarctica/Rothera,
    Antarctica/Syowa, Antarctica/Troll, Antarctica/Vostok,
    Asia/Anadyr, Asia/Ashgabat, Asia/Baku, Asia/Bishkek, Asia/Chita,
    Asia/Dushanbe, Asia/Irkutsk, Asia/Kamchatka, Asia/Khandyga,
    Asia/Krasnoyarsk, Asia/Magadan, Asia/Omsk, Asia/Sakhalin,
    Asia/Samarkand, Asia/Srednekolymsk, Asia/Tashkent, Asia/Tbilisi,
    Asia/Ust-Nera, Asia/Vladivostok, Asia/Yakutsk, Asia/Yekaterinburg,
    Asia/Yerevan, Etc/GMT-14, Etc/GMT-13, Etc/GMT-12, Etc/GMT-11,
    Etc/GMT-10, Etc/GMT-9, Etc/GMT-8, Etc/GMT-7, Etc/GMT-6, Etc/GMT-5,
    Etc/GMT-4, Etc/GMT-3, Etc/GMT-2, Etc/GMT-1, Etc/GMT+1, Etc/GMT+2,
    Etc/GMT+3, Etc/GMT+4, Etc/GMT+5, Etc/GMT+6, Etc/GMT+7, Etc/GMT+8,
    Etc/GMT+9, Etc/GMT+10, Etc/GMT+11, Etc/GMT+12, Europe/Kaliningrad,
    Europe/Minsk, Europe/Samara, Europe/Volgograd, and
    Indian/Kerguelen.  For Europe/Moscow the invented abbreviation MSM
    was replaced by +05, whereas MSK and MSD were kept as they are not
    our invention and are widely used.

  Changes to zone names

    Rename Asia/Rangoon to Asia/Yangon, with a backward compatibility link.

  Changes to code

    zic no longer generates binary files containing POSIX TZ-like
    strings that disagree with the local time type after the last
    explicit transition in the data.  This fixes a bug with
    Africa/Casablanca and Africa/El_Aaiun in some year-2037 time
    stamps on the reference platform.  

    If the installed localtime and/or posixrules files are symbolic
    links, zic now keeps them symbolic links when updating them, for
    compatibility with platforms like OpenSUSE where other programs
    configure these files as symlinks.

    zic now avoids hard linking to symbolic links, avoids some
    unnecessary mkdir and stat system calls, and uses shorter file
    names internally.

    zdump has a new -i option to generate transitions in a
    more-compact but still human-readable format.  This option is
    experimental, and the output format may change in future versions.
  Changes to build procedure

    An experimental distribution format is available, in addition
    to the traditional format which will continue to be distributed.
    The new format is a tarball tzdb-VERSION.tar.lz with signature
    file tzdb-VERSION.tar.lz.asc.  It unpacks to a top-level directory
    tzdb-VERSION containing the code and data of the traditional
    two-tarball format, along with extra data that may be useful.

    The release version number is now more accurate in the usual case
    where releases are built from a Git repository.  For example, if
    23 commits and some working-file changes have been made since
    release 2016g, the version number is now something like
    '2016g-23-g50556e3-dirty' instead of the misleading '2016g'.
    Official releases uses the same version number format as before,
    e.g., '2016g'.  To support the more-accurate version number, its
    specification has moved from a line in the Makefile to a new
    source file 'version'.

    The experimental distribution contains a file to2050.tzs that
    contains what should be the output of 'zdump -i -c 2050' on
    primary zones.  If this file is available, 'make check' now checks
    that zdump generates this output.

    'make check_web' now works on Fedora-like distributions.

  Changes to documentation and commentary

    tzfile.5 now documents the new restriction on POSIX TZ-like
    strings that is now implemented by zic.

    Comments now cite URLs for some 1917-1921 Russian DST decrees.

    tz-link.htm mentions JuliaTime  and Time4J
     and ThreeTen-Extra, and its
    description of Java 8 has been brought up to date .  Its description of local time on Mars has
    been updated to match current practice, and URLs have been updated
    and some obsolete ones removed.

Here are links to the release files:

The files are also available via HTTP as follows:

As usual, links to the latest release files are here:

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