Wind River Support Network


LIN6-9979 : glibc build failure with locales

Created: Jun 9, 2015    Updated: Dec 3, 2018
Resolved Date: Jun 18, 2015
Found In Version:
Fix Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux 6
Component/s: Build & Config


When adding locales such as en_GB and en_US a build of libc will fail.

Steps to Reproduce

Create a project using the attached layer. The layer just implements, via a default template, the steps documented in the User Guide for adding locales to the target.

$ configure --enable-board=intel-x86-64 \
        --enable-rootfs=glibc_std --enable-kernel=preempt_rt \
        --with-layer=/path/to/wrl6-locales/ \
        --with-template=feature/build_libc \
        --enable-jobs=1 --enable-parallel-pkgbuilds=4 \
        --enable-rm-work=yes --enable-rm-oldimgs=yes \
        --enable-reconfig --with-sstate-dir=/path/to/sstate \

$ make fs

ERROR: Function failed: do_rootfs (log file is located at /usr/work/39620-locales/bitbake_build/tmp/work/intel_x86_64-wrs-linux/wrlinux-image-glibc-std/1.0-r5/temp/do_rootfs/log.do_rootfs.5683)
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /usr/work/39620-locales/bitbake_build/tmp/work/intel_x86_64-wrs-linux/wrlinux-image-glibc-std/1.0-r5/temp/do_rootfs/log.do_rootfs.5683

| WARNING: /usr/work/39620-locales/bitbake_build/tmp/work/intel_x86_64-wrs-linux/wrlinux-image-glibc-std/1.0-r5/temp/do_rootfs/run.do_rootfs.5683:1 exit 1 from
|   smart --data-dir=${target_rootfs}/var/lib/smart install -y ${pkgs_to_install}
| ERROR: Function failed: do_rootfs (log file is located at /usr/work/39620-locales/bitbake_build/tmp/work/intel_x86_64-wrs-linux/wrlinux-image-glibc-std/1.0-r5/temp/do_rootfs/log.do_rootfs.5683)
ERROR: Task 7 (/usr/work/39620-locales/layers/local/recipes-img/images/, do_rootfs) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 4736 tasks of which 1579 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.

Using the locales layer without the build_libc template works fine, as does building libc without the locales layer. Looks like an issue with the libc build not building the locales.

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