The size of initramfs differs almost between every build. In the supplied test project, if the sstate files for groff is deleted the regenerated package often contains .ps files with different size in usr/share/doc/groff In the supplied test project 3 executables get different group. /usr/bin/dotlockfile mail <-> man /usr/bin/rdist bin <-> daemon /usr/bin/rdistd bin <-> daemon Also, permissions could differ. The group and permission parts may make a build unusable on customer's environment since the outcome of two builds may differ is it almost impossible to recreate an old build, if needed. Please refer to the attached check.log which repreresents the output of the script.
please refer to the attached archive. change the wrlinux install paths in the configure script. leave the build script running until ~15-18 manifest files are being produced run the diff script