In our automated WASSP build we have to add aufs-unit-tests package with below command because wr-test flag is not defined. $ make -C build aufs-unit-test.addpkg we'd like to enable that feature from configure line instead: configure with --with-template=feature/aufs the reason for this is below errors that we get when we try to build/rebuild that package. We need a clean way (without error messages or a return codes) to build this package, the second time WASSP entering the build. So if the first time we build the package, and then we try to build it again, we got an error message: yow-build55-lx > make -C build aufs-unit-tests.addpkg make: Entering directory `/yow-build55-lx1/ovptest/wassp-repos/users/ashapiro/build_aufs/build' === Checking ../layers/local/recipes-img/images/ === === Checking for valid package for aufs-unit-tests === === Still checking ... === === ADDED aufs-unit-tests to ../layers/local/recipes-img/images/ === NOTE: It is possible to generate a non-buildable configuration with the addpkg rule, in which case you can use the rmpkg rule to remove what you added and try a different configuration. make: Leaving directory `/yow-build55-lx1/ovptest/wassp-repos/users/ashapiro/build_aufs/build' yow-build55-lx > yow-build55-lx > yow-build55-lx > make -C build aufs-unit-tests.addpkg make: Entering directory `/yow-build55-lx1/ovptest/wassp-repos/users/ashapiro/build_aufs/build' === Checking ../layers/local/recipes-img/images/ === ERROR: aufs-unit-tests already in the list make: *** [aufs-unit-tests.addpkg] Error 1 make: Leaving directory `/yow-build55-lx1/ovptest/wassp-repos/users/ashapiro/build_aufs/build' yow-build55-lx > The the request is to ask the base team to allow .addpkg to be called more than once to add the same package.
$ cd build_dir: ../wrlinux-x/wrlinux/configure $ make -C build <package name>.addpkg $ make -C build <package name>.addpkg