ssh passwowd is incorrect after installing ISO image Installing ISO image and set log on password during installation(such as windriver). After boot target, you can ssh to log on system by using password : root.
1. project1:configure --enable-board=intel-x86-64 --enable-kernel=standard --enable-rootfs=glibc-std+installer-support --with-sstate-dir=/buildarea1/build/SSTATE_CACHE --enable-bootimage=ext4 2. make all 3. project2: configure --enable-board=intel-x86-64 --enable-kernel=standard --enable-rootfs=wr-installer --enable-target-installer=yes --with-installer-target-build=/WRINSTALLER/0523/build_prj/combo1/export/*ext4 --enable-bootimage=iso 4. make all 5. installing ISO to target (set password as windriver) 6. boot target 7. ssh to log on system as password : root.