Documentation issue of installer.conf Here is some documentation issue of installer.conf usage in wr-installer readme. ## Adding custom installer.conf to installer image The intaller(typo) script can read answers from /etc/installer.conf(No such file) to help speed up the installation process(Should : speed up the build process). To add one to the installer image requires the user to either copy the file to their project directory and/or configure their local.conf file. cp <path>/installer.conf <installer_build_dir>/bitbake_build/conf/. or edit <installer_build_dir>/bitbake_build/conf/local.conf WRL_INSTALLER_CONF = "/my/installer.conf" Add following limitation to the installer.conf function? 1. Include same target build project. 2. This function does not work when include an ext image.
1. project1:configure --enable-board=intel-x86-64 --enable-kernel=standard --enable-rootfs=glibc-std+installer-support --with-sstate-dir=/buildarea1/build/SSTATE_CACHE --enable-bootimage=ext4 2. make all 3. cp export/dist/.buildstamp /tmp/buildstamp 4. project2:configure --enable-board=intel-x86-64 --enable-kernel=standard --enable-rootfs=glibc-std+installer-support --with-sstate-dir=/buildarea1/build/SSTATE_CACHE --enable-bootimage=ext4 5. echo WRL_INSTALLER_CONF = "/tmp/buildstamp" >> local.conf