Wind River Support Network


LIN6-7461 : installer: save logs to /root/anaconda_log

Created: May 19, 2014    Updated: Dec 3, 2018
Resolved Date: May 19, 2014
Found In Version: 6.0
Fix Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux 6
Component/s: Target-Installer


 The log was saved to /var/log/anaconda, but our /var is on tempfs
which can't save anything after reboot, so save the log to

Another issue is that we don't use the rsyslog, it creates install.log and
install.log.syslog in /root, and install.log is null, the
install.log.syslog doesn't contain any useful info either, only
contains its self start info, so disable it.

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