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HomeCVE Database

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project, maintained by the MITRE Corporation, is a list of all standardized names for vulnerabilities and security exposures.

of 225491 entries
IDDescriptionPriorityModified date
CVE-2017-1002150 python-fedora 0.8.0 and lower is vulnerable to an open redirect resulting in loss of CSRF protection Medium Sep 21, 2017
CVE-2017-1002102 In Kubernetes versions 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x and prior to versions 1.7.14, 1.8.9 and 1.9.4 containers using a secret, configMap, projected or downwardAPI volume can trigger deletion of arbitrary files/directories from the nodes where they are running. MEDIUM Mar 13, 2018
CVE-2017-1002101 In Kubernetes versions 1.3.x, 1.4.x, 1.5.x, 1.6.x and prior to versions 1.7.14, 1.8.9 and 1.9.4 containers using subpath volume mounts with any volume type (including non-privileged pods, subject to file permissions) can access files/directories outside of the volume, including the host\'s filesystem. MEDIUM Mar 13, 2018
CVE-2017-1002100 Default access permissions for Persistent Volumes (PVs) created by the Kubernetes Azure cloud provider in versions 1.6.0 to 1.6.5 are set to container which exposes a URI that can be accessed without authentication on the public internet. Access to the URI string requires privileged access to the Kubernetes cluster or authenticated access to the Azure portal. MEDIUM Sep 14, 2017
CVE-2017-1002028 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin wordpress-gallery-transformation v1.0, SQL injection is in ./wordpress-gallery-transformation/gallery.php via $jpic parameter being unsanitized before being passed into an SQL query. High Sep 20, 2017
CVE-2017-1002027 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin rk-responsive-contact-form v1.0, The variable $delid isn't sanitized before being passed into an SQL query in file ./rk-responsive-contact-form/include/rk_user_list.php. High Sep 20, 2017
CVE-2017-1002026 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin Event Expresso Free v3.1.37.11.L, The function edit_event_category does not sanitize user-supplied input via the $id parameter before passing it into an SQL statement. Medium Sep 20, 2017
CVE-2017-1002025 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin add-edit-delete-listing-for-member-module v1.0, The plugin author does not sanitize user supplied input via $act before passing it into an SQL statement. Medium Sep 21, 2017
CVE-2017-1002024 Vulnerability in web application Kind Editor v4.1.12, kindeditor/php/upload_json.php does not check authentication before allow users to upload files. MEDIUM Sep 14, 2017
CVE-2017-1002023 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin Easy Team Manager v1.3.2, The code does not sanitize id before making it part of an SQL statement in file ./easy-team-manager/inc/easy_team_manager_desc_edit.php High Sep 21, 2017
CVE-2017-1002022 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin surveys v1.01.8, The code in questions.php does not sanitize the survey variable before placing it inside of an SQL query. High Sep 18, 2017
CVE-2017-1002021 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin surveys v1.01.8, The code in individual_responses.php does not sanitize the survey_id variable before placing it inside of an SQL query. High Sep 18, 2017
CVE-2017-1002020 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin surveys v1.01.8, The code in survey_form.php does not sanitize the action variable before placing it inside of an SQL query. High Sep 19, 2017
CVE-2017-1002019 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin eventr v1.02.2, The edit.php form and event_form.php code do not sanitize input, this allows for blind SQL injection via the event parameter. High Sep 18, 2017
CVE-2017-1002018 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin eventr v1.02.2, The edit.php form and attendees.php code do not sanitize input, this allows for blind SQL injection via the event parameter. High Sep 18, 2017
CVE-2017-1002017 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin gift-certificate-creator v1.0, The code in gc-list.php doesn't sanitize user input to prevent a stored XSS vulnerability. Medium Sep 21, 2017
CVE-2017-1002016 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin flickr-picture-backup v0.7, The code in flickr-picture-download.php doesn't check to see if the user is authenticated or that they have permission to upload files. HIGH Sep 14, 2017
CVE-2017-1002015 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin image-gallery-with-slideshow v1.5.2, Blind SQL Injection in image-gallery-with-slideshow/admin_setting.php via selectMulGallery parameter. High Sep 20, 2017
CVE-2017-1002014 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin image-gallery-with-slideshow v1.5.2, Blind SQL Injection in image-gallery-with-slideshow/admin_setting.php via gallery_name parameter. High Sep 20, 2017
CVE-2017-1002013 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin image-gallery-with-slideshow v1.5.2, Blind SQL Injection via imgid parameter in image-gallery-with-slideshow/admin_setting.php. High Sep 20, 2017
CVE-2017-1002012 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin image-gallery-with-slideshow v1.5.2, In image-gallery-with-slideshow/admin_setting.php the following snippet of code does not sanitize input via the gid variable before passing it into an SQL statement. High Sep 20, 2017
CVE-2017-1002011 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin image-gallery-with-slideshow v1.5.2, There is a stored XSS vulnerability via the $value->gallery_name and $value->gallery_description where anyone with privileges to modify or add galleries/images and inject javascript into the database. Low Sep 20, 2017
CVE-2017-1002010 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin Membership Simplified v1.58, The code in membership-simplified-for-oap-members-only/updateDB.php is vulnerable to blind SQL injection because it doesn't sanitize user input via recordId in the delete_media function. High Sep 21, 2017
CVE-2017-1002009 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin Membership Simplified v1.58, The code in membership-simplified-for-oap-members-only/updateDB.php is vulnerable to blind SQL injection because it doesn't sanitize user input via recordId in the delete function. High Sep 21, 2017
CVE-2017-1002008 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin membership-simplified-for-oap-members-only v1.58, The file download code located membership-simplified-for-oap-members-only/download.php does not check whether a user is logged in and has download privileges. HIGH Sep 15, 2017
CVE-2017-1002007 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin DTracker v1.5, The code dtracker/save_mail.php doesn't check that the user is authorized before injecting new contacts into the wp_contact table. Medium Sep 18, 2017
CVE-2017-1002006 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin DTracker v1.5, The code dtracker/save_contact.php doesn't check that the user is authorized before injecting new contacts into the wp_contact table. Medium Sep 18, 2017
CVE-2017-1002005 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin DTracker v1.5, In file ./dtracker/delete.php user input isn't sanitized via the contact_id variable before adding it to the end of an SQL query. Medium Sep 18, 2017
CVE-2017-1002004 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin DTracker v1.5, In file ./dtracker/download.php user input isn't sanitized via the id variable before adding it to the end of an SQL query. Medium Sep 18, 2017
CVE-2017-1002003 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin wp2android-turn-wp-site-into-android-app v1.1.4, The plugin includes unlicensed vulnerable CMS software from HIGH Sep 15, 2017
CVE-2017-1002002 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin webapp-builder v2.0, The plugin includes unlicensed vulnerable CMS software from HIGH Sep 15, 2017
CVE-2017-1002001 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin mobile-app-builder-by-wappress v1.05, The plugin includes unlicensed vulnerable CMS software from HIGH Sep 15, 2017
CVE-2017-1002000 Vulnerability in wordpress plugin mobile-friendly-app-builder-by-easytouch v3.0, The code in file ./mobile-friendly-app-builder-by-easytouch/server/images.php doesn't require authentication or check that the user is allowed to upload content. HIGH Sep 15, 2017
CVE-2017-1001004 typed-function before 0.10.6 had an arbitrary code execution in the JavaScript engine. Creating a typed function with JavaScript code in the name could result arbitrary execution. MEDIUM Nov 27, 2017
CVE-2017-1001003 math.js before 3.17.0 had an issue where private properties such as a constructor could be replaced by using unicode characters when creating an object. HIGH Nov 27, 2017
CVE-2017-1001002 math.js before 3.17.0 had an arbitrary code execution in the JavaScript engine. Creating a typed function with JavaScript code in the name could result arbitrary execution. HIGH Nov 27, 2017
CVE-2017-1001001 PluXml version 5.6 is vulnerable to stored cross-site scripting vulnerability, within the article creation page, which can result in escalation of privileges. LOW Nov 1, 2017
CVE-2017-1001000 The register_routes function in wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-posts-controller.php in the REST API in WordPress 4.7.x before 4.7.2 does not require an integer identifier, which allows remote attackers to modify arbitrary pages via a request for wp-json/wp/v2/posts followed by a numeric value and a non-numeric value, as demonstrated by the wp-json/wp/v2/posts/123?id=123helloworld URI. MEDIUM Apr 10, 2017
CVE-2017-1000600 WordPress version <4.9 contains a CWE-20 Input Validation vulnerability in thumbnail processing that can result in remote code execution. This attack appears to be exploitable via thumbnail upload by an authenticated user and may require additional plugins in order to be exploited however this has not been confirmed at this time. This issue appears to have been partially, but not completely fixed in WordPress 4.9 MEDIUM Sep 6, 2018
CVE-2017-1000510 Croogo version 2.3.1-17-g6f82e6c contains a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Page name that can result in execution of javascript code. LOW Feb 9, 2018
CVE-2017-1000509 Dolibarr version 6.0.2 contains a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Product details that can result in execution of javascript code. LOW Feb 9, 2018
CVE-2017-1000508 Invoice Plane version 1.5.4 and earlier contains a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Client's details that can result in execution of javascript code . This vulnerability appears to have been fixed in 1.5.5 and later. MEDIUM Feb 9, 2018
CVE-2017-1000507 Canvs Canvas version 3.4.2 contains a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in User's details that can result in denial of service and execution of javascript code. LOW Feb 9, 2018
CVE-2017-1000506 Mautic version 2.11.0 and earlier contains a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Company's name that can result in denial of service and execution of javascript code. MEDIUM Feb 9, 2018
CVE-2017-1000505 In Jenkins Script Security Plugin version 1.36 and earlier, users with the ability to configure sandboxed Groovy scripts are able to use a type coercion feature in Groovy to create new `File` objects from strings. This allowed reading arbitrary files on the Jenkins master file system. Such a type coercion is now subject to sandbox protection and considered to be a call to the `new File(String)` constructor for the purpose of in-process script approval. MEDIUM Jan 25, 2018
CVE-2017-1000504 A race condition during Jenkins 2.94 and earlier; 2.89.1 and earlier startup could result in the wrong order of execution of commands during initialization. There is a very short window of time after startup during which Jenkins may no longer show the \'Please wait while Jenkins is getting ready to work\' message but Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection may not yet be effective. MEDIUM Jan 24, 2018
CVE-2017-1000503 A race condition during Jenkins 2.81 through 2.94 (inclusive); 2.89.1 startup could result in the wrong order of execution of commands during initialization. This could in rare cases result in failure to initialize the setup wizard on the first startup. This resulted in multiple security-related settings not being set to their usual strict default. MEDIUM Jan 24, 2018
CVE-2017-1000502 Users with permission to create or configure agents in Jenkins 1.37 and earlier could configure an EC2 agent to run arbitrary shell commands on the master node whenever the agent was supposed to be launched. Configuration of these agents now requires the 'Run Scripts' permission typically only granted to administrators. HIGH Jan 24, 2018
CVE-2017-1000501 Awstats version 7.6 and earlier is vulnerable to a path traversal flaw in the handling of the config and migrate parameters resulting in unauthenticated remote code execution. HIGH Jan 3, 2018
CVE-2017-1000500 ** REJECT ** DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: CVE-2017-12161. Reason: This candidate is a reservation duplicate of CVE-2017-12161. Notes: All CVE users should reference CVE-2017-12161 instead of this candidate. All references and descriptions in this candidate have been removed to prevent accidental usage. MEDIUM Jan 3, 2018
The 'Fixed Release' column is displayed if a single product version is selected from the filter. The fixed release is applicable in cases when the CVE has been addressed and fixed for that product version. Requires LTSS - customers must have active LTSS (Long Term Security Shield) Support to receive up-to-date information about vulnerabilities that may affect legacy software. Please contact your Wind River account team or see and for more information.
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