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HomeOther DownloadsPatch to Cavium Octeon build so that it does not fail when rb-pi-futex feature is enabled
Optional Type: Patch

Patch to Cavium Octeon build so that it does not fail when rb-pi-futex feature is enabled

Released: Sep 17, 2007     Updated: Sep 17, 2007


Problem Description:

1. Do a build with the following configure line:
$ /wrlinux-1.4/wrlinux/configure --enable-board=cavium_octeon_cn38xx_evb_nic4 --enable-rootfs=glibc_cgl --enable-kernel=cgl --enable-build=production --enable-quilt=no --with-template=feature/rb-pi-futex --enable-build-libc=yes
2. do a make all
3. You will notice that it fails when trying to apply the rb-pi-futex patch.
4. It should work since the README states that it is supported on MIPS.

Fix Description:

1. Added support for rb-pi-futex on this board.

Product Version

Linux Platforms 1.x


Installation Notes

Installation Notes

Installation Instructions:

1. Copy the patch zip file to your /updates directory
2. Unzip the patch file
3. Go to your /updates/ directory
4. Run setup_linux and install the patch
5. This is a source patch so you will have to rebuild the kernel to get the patch.

To Test:
1. Do a build with the following configure line:
$ /wrlinux-1.4/wrlinux/configure --enable-board=cavium_octeon_cn38xx_evb_nic4 --enable-rootfs=glibc_cgl --enable-kernel=cgl --enable-build=production --enable-quilt=no --with-template=feature/rb-pi-futex --enable-build-libc=yes
2. do a make all
3. It should succeed

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