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HomeOther DownloadsARM v5te Architecture Support
Optional Type: Patch

ARM v5te Architecture Support

Released: Jul 10, 2007     Updated: Jul 10, 2007


This patch adds root filesystem support for the ARM v5te architecture to the Platform for Consumer Devices, Linux Edition 1.5. This is a pre-requisite for development targeting the Freescale i.MX27ADS BSP available at:
Freescale i.MX27ADS IDENTIFIER = WIND00061342

Product Version

Linux Platforms 1.x


Installation Notes

Installation Notes

* Download the .zip file and save it to your directory called: installDir/updates (eg. C:\WindRiver\updates\ or /home/myuser/WindRiver/updates)
* IMPORTANT: the patch can only be installed when placed in the above location.

# Unzip
Go to installDir/updates directory, then:

* On Windows (requires WinZip):
o right-click on the file
o Select WinZip -> Extract to here

* On Linux :
o unzip

* If you do not have unzip in your path, you can find it in installDir/setup/host-type/bin

# Install

* Go into the CDR directory created by unzipping the patch, e.g. /home/myuser/WindRiver/updates/CDR-R132690.1-1_070611_110210 (Linux)
* Run the Setup executable appropriate for your host (one of setup.exe, setup_linux or setup_solaris).

# Now BSP's requiring ARM v5te support can be installed

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