Wind River Support Network

Not to be fixed

LIN8-10953 : Security Advisory - gcc - CVE-2018-12886

Created: May 23, 2019    Updated: Jan 10, 2021
Resolved Date: Jan 10, 2021
Found In Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux 8
Component/s: Toolchain


stack_protect_prologue in cfgexpand.c and stack_protect_epilogue in function.c in GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 4.1 through 8 (under certain circumstances) generate instruction sequences when targeting ARM targets that spill the address of the stack protector guard, which allows an attacker to bypass the protection of -fstack-protector, -fstack-protector-all, -fstack-protector-strong, and -fstack-protector-explicit against stack overflow by controlling what the stack canary is compared against.

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