Wind River Support Network

Not to be fixed

LIN7-2786 : [qemu] The TARGET_TOPTS environment variable is not observed by Workbench

Created: Jan 27, 2015    Updated: Apr 28, 2018
Resolved Date: Apr 17, 2018
Previous ID: WB4-5056
Found In Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux 7
Component/s: Workbench Integration


Upon investigation, it turned out that the problem is this:

The TARGET_TOPTS environment variable is observed by the script only if there's no option specified (for example ' start'). As soon as an option is specified (like ' -in 1 start') the environment variable is no longer observed. 

Since Workbench always specifies an instance number, this leads to TARGET_TOPTS never being observed. This is inconsistent, and also means that TARGET_TOPTS can only ever influence quemu instance #0. The interesting workflow would be setting globally 'export TARGET_TOPTS="-gc -m 2048"' such that any QEMU would always start with 2Gig and graphics console. This workflow seems easier than doing "make config-target". Is such a workflow desired?

We're passing the defect over to the WRL team for analysis. Is TARGET_TOPTS documented and when is it expected to be available ? - Feel free to degrade priority if you don't think the issue is relevant.
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