Wind River Support Network


LIN7-11587 : Security Advisory - python - CVE-2019-17514

Created: Oct 31, 2019    Updated: Apr 22, 2020
Resolved Date: Apr 21, 2020
Found In Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux 7
Component/s: Userspace


library/glob.html in the Python 2 and 3 documentation before 2016 has potentially misleading information about whether sorting occurs, as demonstrated by irreproducible cancer-research results. NOTE: the effects of this documentation cross application domains, and thus it is likely that security-relevant code elsewhere is affected. This issue is not a Python implementation bug, and there are no reports that NMR researchers were specifically relying on library/glob.html. In other words, because the older documentation stated "finds all the pathnames matching a specified pattern according to the rules used by the Unix shell," one might have incorrectly inferred that the sorting that occurs in a Unix shell also occurred for glob.glob. There is a workaround in newer versions of Willoughby and, which call sort() directly.

CREATE(Triage):(User=admin) [CVE-2019-17514|]


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