Wind River Support Network


LIN7-1107 : Smart package manager doesn't include other package if one package is missing depency

Created: Oct 16, 2014    Updated: Mar 31, 2016
Resolved Date: Nov 3, 2014
Found In Version: 7.0
Fix Version: 7.0
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux 7
Component/s: Build & Config, Userspace
Host OS: Linux 64
Architecture: All


When building the OVP product's SDK, which is based on WR Linux 6.0 the "Google Protocol Buffers" package development libraries aren't being added.  This was determined to be due to failure of the smart package manager due to an unrelated dependency.

OVP SDK includes the "linux-firmware" package, which can't resolve all it's dependencies.  This is causing smart to not continue when processing the rest of the list when trying to add them with the "--attempt-only" flag is specified.   The flag is added to the smart package manager via a patch. This failure is causing other packages to not be included in the SDK, without any messages being returned to the screen this is resulting in a bad SDK image for the customer.


PACKAGE_EXCLUDE = "linux-firmware" 
to "bitbake_build/conf/local.conf", and rebuild the SDK image.

Steps to Reproduce

1. configure OVP project using the following options:
[path-to-checkout]wrlinux/configure --enable-board=intel-x86-64 --enable-kernel=preempt-rt --enable-rootfs=ovp-kvm --enable-addons=wr-ovp  --enable-parallel-pkgbuilds=4 --enable-jobs=4 --with-package=protobuf-c --enable-internet-download=yes

2. build the project and export SDK
make fs
make export-sdk

3. install the SDK 

4. search for the header files)
find . -name "*protobuf*"
(you will see no header files in the SDK for Google Protocol Buffers)
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