Wind River Support Network

Not to be fixed

LIN1021-141 : Virtual keyboard doesn’t pop out when touch google search box

Created: May 17, 2021    Updated: Oct 6, 2021
Resolved Date: Sep 27, 2021
Found In Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux LTS 21
Component/s: Userspace


Because STARTING-URL is null by default, so the default home page of chromium is google. After system bootup, try to input something to serach box, the virtual keyboard doesn't pop out.

There is a workaround, set STARTING-URL = "", then the will be:
 # setting default display for chromium
 export DISPLAY=:0

chromium --kiosk --start-maximized \
 --load-extension="/usr/share/chrome-virtual-keyboard" \
 --window-size=1920,1080 \ (

Then the virtual keyboard will pop out when you try to input something in searchbox

Steps to Reproduce

1. --machine intel-x86-64 --templates feature/chromium-web-kiosk --distro wrlinux --layers meta-browser --accept-eula yes --dl-layers
2. bitbake wrlinux-image-small
3. boot up target with image and connect to a touchscreen.
4. If default page is google, try to input something to search box with virtual keyboard.
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