Wind River Support Network


LIN1021-124 : Windows SDK does not work with SDK_ARCHIVE_TYPE = "zip"

Created: May 17, 2021    Updated: Jun 9, 2021
Found In Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux LTS 21
Component/s: Build & Config


h1. The SDK_ARCHIVE_TYPE = "zip" option does not create a working Windows SDK because the ZIP file does not correctly expand symlinks.


Make Default Windows SDK

$ SDKMACHINE=x86_64-mingw32 bitbake -c populate_sdk wrlinux-image-glibc-small

Convert the SDK from XZ to ZIP format (which converts symlinks to real files), using the respective SDK name

$ SDK=wrlinux-
 $ mkdir temp-sdk
 $ cd temp-sdk
 $ cp ../tmp-glibc/deploy/sdk/$SDK.tar.xz .
 $ unxz $SDK.tar.xz
 $ tar -xf $SDK.tar
 $ rm $SDK.tar
 $ zip -9 -r -q ../$ *

NOTE: to unzip, use a Windows application that supports long path names (e.g. 7-Zip, but not WinZip).

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create project
./ --machines=nxp-s32g2xx --layers=meta-mingw --dl-layers 
2. Update local.conf and create sdk
DISTRO ??= "wrlinux"
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += " eclipse-debug tools-debug tools-profile"
IMAGE_INSTALL_append += " lib32-glibc"
SDKMACHINE = "x86_64-mingw32"

$bitbake wrlinux-image-std -c populate_sdk

3. Extract sdk on windows host and build apps.
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