Wind River Support Network


LIN1021-110 : error setting mempool handler when setting dpdkvhostuser port

Created: May 17, 2021    Updated: Sep 25, 2021
Resolved Date: Jul 20, 2021
Found In Version:
Fix Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux LTS 21
Component/s: Userspace


--dl-layers --machines intel-x86-64 --distro wrlinux-ovp

source environment-setup-x86_64-wrlinuxsdk-linux
source oe-init-build-env build

set PACKAGECONFIG += "dpdk" in layers/meta-virtualization/recipes-networking/openvswitch/

bitbake wrlinux-image-ovp-kvm


2021-05-13T06:37:05.620Z|00064|dpdk|ERR|MBUF: error setting mempool handler
2021-05-13T06:37:05.620Z|00065|netdev_dpdk|ERR|Failed to create mempool "ovscfbc107d00021580262144" with a request of 262144 mbufs
2021-05-13T06:37:05.620Z|00066|netdev_dpdk|ERR|Failed to create memory pool for netdev vhost-user-1, with MTU 1500 on socket 0: Invalid argument
2021-05-13T06:37:05.620Z|00067|dpif_netdev|ERR|Failed to set interface vhost-user-1 new configuration
2021-05-13T06:37:05.620Z|00068|dpif|WARN|netdev@ovs-netdev: failed to add vhost-user-1 as port: Invalid argument
2021-05-13T06:37:05.620Z|00069|bridge|WARN|could not add network device vhost-user-1 to ofproto (Invalid argument)

Steps to Reproduce

--dl-layers --machines intel-x86-64 --distro wrlinux-ovp

source environment-setup-x86_64-wrlinuxsdk-linux
source oe-init-build-env build

set PACKAGECONFIG += "dpdk" in layers/meta-virtualization/recipes-networking/openvswitch/, like

PACKAGECONFIG ?= "libcap-ng"
PACKAGECONFIG[dpdk] = "--with-dpdk=static,,dpdk,dpdk"
PACKAGECONFIG[libcap-ng] = "--enable-libcapng,--disable-libcapng,libcap-ng,"
PACKAGECONFIG[ssl] = ",--disable-ssl,openssl,"

bitbake wrlinux-image-ovp-kvm

On x86-64 board, run steps in Description.

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