Wind River Support Network


LIN1019-3249 : OverC on qemuarm64 does not support the creation of snapshots

Created: Nov 3, 2019    Updated: Mar 2, 2020
Resolved Date: Feb 25, 2020
Found In Version:
Fix Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux LTS 19
Component/s: Userspace


The creation of snapshots expects to have access to the kernel being run, however, since we pass the kernel to QEMU directly and do not have a copy of the kernel in the QEMU disk image we are running, we are unable to create a snapshot. 

Steps to Reproduce

  %> ./wrlinux-x/ --machines=qemuarm64 --distros=wrlinux-overc --dl-layers --no-recommend
  %> . ./environment-setup-x86_64-wrlinuxsdk-linux
  %> . ./oe-init-build-env
  %> bitbake cube-vrf cube-dom0 cube-essential cube-server cube-builder-initramfs

  %> sudo apt-get install btrfs-progs
  %> bitbake grub-native jq-native parted-native dosfstools-native
  %> bitbake build-sysroots

  %> cp ../layers/wrlinux/wrlinux-overc/bin/* .
  %> sed -i -e 's#ttyS0#ttyAMA0#' -e 's#^\(INSTALL_BSP=\).*$#\1\"qemuarm64\"#' -e "/GETTY_CONSOLE=/aFIRMWARE_INSTALL=\"\"" -e "/GETTY_CONSOLE=/aX86_ARCH=false"
  %> sudo PATH=$PWD/tmp/sysroots/x86_64/usr/bin:$PWD/tmp/sysroots/x86_64/usr/sbin:$PATH ../overc-installer/sbin/cubeit --disk-size 15G --force --config `pwd`/ --artifacts `pwd`/tmp/deploy/images/qemuarm64 boot.img
  %> ROOTFS=boot.img runqemu slirp qemuparams="-nographic -vnc :1 -m 2G" bootparams="root=/dev/vda3 mem=2G"

Login cube-server and Run:

/opt/overc-system-agent/overc container snapshot containerName dom0
/opt/overc-system-agent/overc container list_snapshots cube-server dom0
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