Wind River Support Network

Not to be fixed

LIN1019-10921 : Security Advisory - libuv - CVE-2024-24806

Created: Feb 7, 2024    Updated: Apr 5, 2024
Resolved Date: Apr 5, 2024
Found In Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux LTS 19
Component/s: Userspace


libuv is a multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O. The `uv_getaddrinfo` function in `src/unix/getaddrinfo.c` (and its windows counterpart `src/win/getaddrinfo.c`), truncates hostnames to 256 characters before calling `getaddrinfo`. This behavior can be exploited to create addresses like `0x00007f000001`, which are considered valid by `getaddrinfo` and could allow an attacker to craft payloads that resolve to unintended IP addresses, bypassing developer checks. The vulnerability arises due to how the `hostname_ascii` variable (with a length of 256 bytes) is handled in `uv_getaddrinfo` and subsequently in `uv__idna_toascii`. When the hostname exceeds 256 characters, it gets truncated without a terminating null byte. As a result attackers may be able to access internal APIs or for websites (similar to MySpace) that allows users to have `` pages. Internal services that crawl or cache these user pages can be exposed to SSRF attacks if a malicious user chooses a long vulnerable username. This issue has been addressed in release version 1.48.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

CREATE(Triage):(User=admin) CVE-2024-24806 (
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