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The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project, maintained by the MITRE Corporation, is a list of all standardized names for vulnerabilities and security exposures.

of 179251 entries
IDDescriptionPriorityModified dateFixed Release
CVE-2020-9445 Zulip Server before 2.1.3 allows XSS via the modal_link feature in the Markdown functionality. MEDIUM Apr 20, 2020 n/a
CVE-2020-10935 Zulip Server before 2.1.3 allows XSS via a Markdown link, with resultant account takeover. LOW Apr 20, 2020 n/a
CVE-2020-9444 Zulip Server before 2.1.3 allows reverse tabnabbing via the Markdown functionality. MEDIUM Apr 20, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-16216 Zulip server before 2.0.5 incompletely validated the MIME types of uploaded files. A user who is logged into the server could upload files of certain types to mount a stored cross-site scripting attack on other logged-in users. On a Zulip server using the default local uploads backend, the attack is only effective against browsers lacking support for Content-Security-Policy such as Internet Explorer 11. On a Zulip server using the S3 uploads backend, the attack is confined to the origin of the configured S3 uploads hostname and cannot reach the Zulip server itself. LOW Sep 18, 2019 n/a
CVE-2020-15070 Zulip Server 2.x before 2.1.7 allows eval injection if a privileged attacker were able to write directly to the postgres database, and chose to write a crafted custom profile field value. MEDIUM Aug 21, 2020 n/a
CVE-2017-0896 Zulip Server 1.5.1 and below suffer from an error in the implementation of the invite_by_admins_only setting in the Zulip group chat application server that allowed an authenticated user to invite other users to join a Zulip organization even if the organization was configured to prevent this. MEDIUM Jun 4, 2017 n/a
CVE-2024-27286 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration. When a user moves a Zulip message, they have the option to move all messages in the topic, move only subsequent messages as well, or move just a single message. If the user chose to just move one message, and was moving it from a public stream to a private stream, Zulip would successfully move the message, -- but active users who did not have access to the private stream, but whose client had already received the message, would continue to see the message in the public stream until they reloaded their client. Additionally, Zulip did not remove view permissions on the message from recently-active users, allowing the message to show up in the All messages view or in search results, but not in Inbox or Recent conversations views. While the bug has been present since moving messages between streams was first introduced in version 3.0, this option became much more common starting in Zulip 8.0, when the default option in the picker for moving the very last message in a conversation was changed. This issue is fixed in Zulip Server 8.3. No known workarounds are available. -- Mar 21, 2024 n/a
CVE-2022-31134 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool. Zulip Server versions 2.1.0 above have a user interface tool, accessible only to server owners and server administrators, which provides a way to download a public data export. While this export is only accessible to administrators, in many configurations server administrators are not expected to have access to private messages and private streams. However, the public data export which administrators could generate contained the attachment contents for all attachments, even those from private messages and streams. Zulip Server version 5.4 contains a patch for this issue. MEDIUM Jul 13, 2022 n/a
CVE-2021-43799 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool. Zulip Server installs RabbitMQ for internal message passing. In versions of Zulip Server prior to 4.9, the initial installation (until first reboot, or restart of RabbitMQ) does not successfully limit the default ports which RabbitMQ opens; this includes port 25672, the RabbitMQ distribution port, which is used as a management port. RabbitMQ\'s default cookie which protects this port is generated using a weak PRNG, which limits the entropy of the password to at most 36 bits; in practicality, the seed for the randomizer is biased, resulting in approximately 20 bits of entropy. If other firewalls (at the OS or network level) do not protect port 25672, a remote attacker can brute-force the 20 bits of entropy in the cookie and leverage it for arbitrary execution of code as the rabbitmq user. They can also read all data which is sent through RabbitMQ, which includes all message traffic sent by users. Version 4.9 contains a patch for this vulnerability. As a workaround, ensure that firewalls prevent access to ports 5672 and 25672 from outside the Zulip server. MEDIUM Feb 2, 2022 n/a
CVE-2022-31017 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool. Versions 2.1.0 through and including 5.2 are vulnerable to a logic error. A stream configured as private with protected history, where new subscribers should not be allowed to see messages sent before they were subscribed, when edited causes the server to incorrectly send an API event that includes the edited message to all of the stream’s current subscribers. This API event is ignored by official clients, but can be observed by using a modified client or the browser’s developer tools. This bug will be fixed in Zulip Server 5.3. There are no known workarounds. LOW Jun 25, 2022 n/a
CVE-2023-47642 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool. It was discovered by the Zulip development team that active users who had previously been subscribed to a stream incorrectly continued being able to use the Zulip API to access metadata for that stream. As a result, users who had been removed from a stream, but still had an account in the organization, could still view metadata for that stream (including the stream name, description, settings, and an email address used to send emails into the stream via the incoming email integration). This potentially allowed users to see changes to a stream’s metadata after they had lost access to the stream. This vulnerability has been addressed in version 7.5 and all users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this issue. -- Nov 16, 2023 n/a
CVE-2023-22735 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool. In versions of zulip prior to commit `2f6c5a8` but after commit `04cf68b` users could upload files with arbitrary `Content-Type` which would be served from the Zulip hostname with `Content-Disposition: inline` and no `Content-Security-Policy` header, allowing them to trick other users into executing arbitrary Javascript in the context of the Zulip application. Among other things, this enables session theft. Only deployments which use the S3 storage (not the local-disk storage) are affected, and only deployments which deployed commit 04cf68b45ebb5c03247a0d6453e35ffc175d55da, which has only been in `main`, not any numbered release. Users affected should upgrade from main again to deploy this fix. Switching from S3 storage to the local-disk storage would nominally mitigate this, but is likely more involved than upgrading to the latest `main` which addresses the issue. -- Feb 8, 2023 n/a
CVE-2022-41914 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool. For organizations with System for Cross-domain Identity Management(SCIM) account management enabled, Zulip Server 5.0 through 5.6 checked the SCIM bearer token using a comparator that did not run in constant time. Therefore, it might theoretically be possible for an attacker to infer the value of the token by performing a sophisticated timing analysis on a large number of failing requests. If successful, this would allow the attacker to impersonate the SCIM client for its abilities to read and update user accounts in the Zulip organization. Organizations where SCIM account management has not been enabled are not affected. -- Nov 16, 2022 n/a
CVE-2024-21630 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool. A vulnerability in version 8.0 is similar to CVE-2023-32677, but applies to multi-use invitations, not single-use invitation links as in the prior CVE. Specifically, it applies when the installation has configured non-admins to be able to invite users and create multi-use invitations, and has also configured only admins to be able to invite users to streams. As in CVE-2023-32677, this does not let users invite new users to arbitrary streams, only to streams that the inviter can already see. Version 8.1 fixes this issue. As a workaround, administrators can limit sending of invitations down to users who also have the permission to add users to streams. -- Jan 25, 2024 n/a
CVE-2023-32677 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool with unique topic-based threading. Zulip administrators can configure Zulip to limit who can add users to streams, and separately to limit who can invite users to the organization. In Zulip Server 6.1 and below, the UI which allows a user to invite a new user also allows them to set the streams that the new user is invited to -- even if the inviting user would not have permissions to add an existing user to streams. While such a configuration is likely rare in practice, the behavior does violate security-related controls. This does not let a user invite new users to streams they cannot see, or would not be able to add users to if they had that general permission. This issue has been addressed in version 6.2. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade may limit sending of invitations down to users who also have the permission to add users to streams. -- May 20, 2023 n/a
CVE-2023-28623 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool with unique topic-based threading. In the event that 1: `ZulipLDAPAuthBackend` and an external authentication backend (any aside of `ZulipLDAPAuthBackend` and `EmailAuthBackend`) are the only ones enabled in `AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS` in `/etc/zulip/` and 2: The organization permissions don\'t require invitations to join. An attacker can create a new account in the organization with an arbitrary email address in their control that\'s not in the organization\'s LDAP directory. The impact is limited to installations which have this specific combination of authentication backends as described above in addition to having `Invitations are required for joining this organization` organization permission disabled. This issue has been addressed in version 6.2. Users are advised to upgrade. Users unable to upgrade may enable the `Invitations are required for joining this organization` organization permission to prevent this issue. -- May 20, 2023 n/a
CVE-2023-33186 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool with unique topic-based threading that combines the best of email and chat to make remote work productive and delightful. The main development branch of Zulip Server from May 2, 2023 and later, including beta versions 7.0-beta1 and 7.0-beta2, is vulnerable to a cross-site scripting vulnerability in tooltips on the message feed. An attacker who can send messages could maliciously craft a topic for the message, such that a victim who hovers the tooltip for that topic in their message feed triggers execution of JavaScript code controlled by the attacker. -- May 30, 2023 n/a
CVE-2022-21706 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool with topic-based threading. Zulip Server version 2.0.0 and above are vulnerable to insufficient access control with multi-use invitations. A Zulip Server deployment which hosts multiple organizations is vulnerable to an attack where an invitation created in one organization (potentially as a role with elevated permissions) can be used to join any other organization. This bypasses any restrictions on required domains on users\' email addresses, may be used to gain access to organizations which are only accessible by invitation, and may be used to gain access with elevated privileges. This issue has been patched in release 4.10. There are no known workarounds for this issue. ### Patches _Has the problem been patched? What versions should users upgrade to?_ ### Workarounds _Is there a way for users to fix or remediate the vulnerability without upgrading?_ ### References _Are there any links users can visit to find out more?_ ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory, you can discuss them on the [developer community Zulip server](, or email the [Zulip security team]( HIGH Feb 26, 2022 n/a
CVE-2022-36048 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool with topic-based threading that combines email and chat. When displaying messages with embedded remote images, Zulip normally loads the image preview via a go-camo proxy server. However, an attacker who can send messages could include a crafted URL that tricks the server into embedding a remote image reference directly. This could allow the attacker to infer the viewer’s IP address and browser fingerprinting information. This vulnerability is fixed in Zulip Server 5.6. Zulip organizations with image and link previews [disabled]( are not affected. -- Aug 31, 2022 n/a
CVE-2023-32678 Zulip is an open-source team collaboration tool with topic-based threading that combines email and chat. Users who used to be subscribed to a private stream and have been removed from it since retain the ability to edit messages/topics, move messages to other streams, and delete messages that they used to have access to, if other relevant organization permissions allow these actions. For example, a user may be able to edit or delete their old messages they posted in such a private stream. An administrator will be able to delete old messages (that they had access to) from the private stream. This issue was fixed in Zulip Server version 7.3. -- Aug 26, 2023 n/a
CVE-2022-31168 Zulip is an open source team chat tool. Due to an incorrect authorization check in Zulip Server 5.4 and earlier, a member of an organization could craft an API call that grants organization administrator privileges to one of their bots. The vulnerability is fixed in Zulip Server 5.5. Members who don’t own any bots, and lack permission to create them, can’t exploit the vulnerability. As a workaround for the vulnerability, an organization administrator can restrict the `Who can create bots` permission to administrators only, and change the ownership of existing bots. -- Jul 22, 2022 n/a
CVE-2021-41115 Zulip is an open source team chat server. In affected versions Zulip allows organization administrators on a server to configure linkifiers that automatically create links from messages that users send, detected via arbitrary regular expressions. Malicious organization administrators could subject the server to a denial-of-service via regular expression complexity attacks; most simply, by configuring a quadratic-time regular expression in a linkifier, and sending messages that exploited it. A regular expression attempted to parse the user-provided regexes to verify that they were safe from ReDoS -- this was both insufficient, as well as _itself_ subject to ReDoS if the organization administrator entered a sufficiently complex invalid regex. Affected users should [upgrade to the just-released Zulip 4.7](, or [`main`]( -- Oct 8, 2021 n/a
CVE-2022-23656 Zulip is an open source team chat app. The `main` development branch of Zulip Server from June 2021 and later is vulnerable to a cross-site scripting vulnerability on the recent topics page. An attacker could maliciously craft a full name for their account and send messages to a topic with several participants; a victim who then opens an overflow tooltip including this full name on the recent topics page could trigger execution of JavaScript code controlled by the attacker. Users running a Zulip server from the main branch should upgrade from main (2022-03-01 or later) again to deploy this fix. LOW Mar 3, 2022 n/a
CVE-2022-35962 Zulip is an open source team chat and Zulip Mobile is an app for iOS and Andriod users. In Zulip Mobile through version 27.189, a crafted link in a message sent by an authenticated user could lead to credential disclosure if a user follows the link. A patch was released in version 27.190. -- Aug 29, 2022 n/a
CVE-2022-24751 Zulip is an open source group chat application. Starting with version 4.0 and prior to version 4.11, Zulip is vulnerable to a race condition during account deactivation, where a simultaneous access by the user being deactivated may, in rare cases, allow continued access by the deactivated user. A patch is available in version 4.11 on the 4.x branch and version 5.0-rc1 on the 5.x branch. Upgrading to a fixed version will, as a side effect, deactivate any cached sessions that may have been leaked through this bug. There are currently no known workarounds. MEDIUM Mar 16, 2022 n/a
CVE-2021-43791 Zulip is an open source group chat application that combines real-time chat with threaded conversations. In affected versions expiration dates on the confirmation objects associated with email invitations were not enforced properly in the new account registration flow. A confirmation link takes a user to the check_prereg_key_and_redirect endpoint, before getting redirected to POST to /accounts/register/. The problem was that validation was happening in the check_prereg_key_and_redirect part and not in /accounts/register/ - meaning that one could submit an expired confirmation key and be able to register. The issue is fixed in Zulip 4.8. There are no known workarounds and users are advised to upgrade as soon as possible. MEDIUM Dec 3, 2021 n/a
CVE-2020-24582 Zulip Desktop before 5.4.3 allows XSS because string escaping is mishandled during composition of the HTML for the user interface. MEDIUM Sep 11, 2020 n/a
CVE-2020-12637 Zulip Desktop before 5.2.0 has Missing SSL Certificate Validation because all validation was inadvertently disabled during an attempt to recognize the ignoreCerts option. HIGH May 9, 2020 n/a
CVE-2020-10857 Zulip Desktop before 5.0.0 improperly uses shell.openExternal and shell.openItem with untrusted content, leading to remote code execution. HIGH Feb 5, 2021 n/a
CVE-2020-10858 Zulip Desktop before 5.0.0 allows attackers to perform recording via the webcam and microphone due to a missing permission request handler. MEDIUM Feb 5, 2021 n/a
CVE-2020-9443 Zulip Desktop before 4.0.3 loaded untrusted content in an Electron webview with web security disabled, which can be exploited for XSS in a number of ways. This especially affects Zulip Desktop 2.3.82. MEDIUM Mar 18, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-18204 Zucchetti InfoBusiness before and including 4.4.1 allows any authenticated user to upload .php files in order to achieve code execution. MEDIUM Oct 30, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-10257 Zucchetti HR Portal through2019-03-15 allows Directory Traversal. Unauthenticated users can escape outside of the restricted location (dot-dot-slash notation) to access files or directories that are elsewhere on the system. Through this vulnerability it is possible to read the application\'s java sources from /WEB-INF/classes/*.class MEDIUM Jun 20, 2019 n/a
CVE-2022-23139 ZTE\'s ZXMP M721 product has a permission and access control vulnerability. Since the folder permission viewed by sftp is 666, which is inconsistent with the actual permission. It’s easy for?users to?ignore the modification?of?the file permission configuration, so that low-authority accounts could actually obtain higher operating permissions on key files. MEDIUM May 13, 2022 n/a
CVE-2022-23137 ZTE\'s ZXCDN product has a reflective XSS vulnerability. The attacker could modify the parameters in the content clearing request url, and when a user clicks the url, an XSS attack will be triggered. MEDIUM May 11, 2022 n/a
CVE-2020-6867 ZTE\'s SDON controller is impacted by the resource management error vulnerability. When RPC is frequently called by other applications in the case of mass traffic data in the system, it will result in no response for a long time and memory overflow risk. This affects: ZENIC ONE R22b versions V16.19.10P02SP002 and V16.19.10P02SP005. LOW May 1, 2020 n/a
CVE-2022-23138 ZTE\'s MF297D product has cryptographic issues vulnerability. Due to the use of weak random values, the security of the device is reduced, and it may face the risk of attack. MEDIUM Jun 9, 2022 n/a
CVE-2021-21738 ZTE\'s big video business platform has two reflective cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. Due to insufficient input verification, the attacker could implement XSS attacks by tampering with the parameters, to affect the operations of valid users. This affects: <ZXIPTV><ZXIPTV-EAS_PV5.06.04.09> MEDIUM Aug 5, 2021 n/a
CVE-2014-4019 ZTE ZXV10 W300 router with firmware W300V1.0.0a_ZRD_LK stores sensitive information under the web root with insufficient access control, which allows remote attackers to read backup files via a direct request for rom-0. MEDIUM Feb 28, 2020 n/a
CVE-2018-7366 ZTE ZXV10 B860AV2.1 product ChinaMobile branch with the ICNT versions up to V1.3.3, the BESTV versions up to V1.2.2, the WASU versions up to V1.1.7 and the MGTV versions up to V1.4.6 have an authentication bypass vulnerability, which may allows an unauthorized user to perform unauthorized operations. MEDIUM Dec 28, 2018 n/a
CVE-2024-22064 ZTE ZXUN-ePDG product, which serves as the network node of the VoWifi system, under by default configuration, uses a set of non-unique cryptographic keys during establishing a secure connection(IKE) with the mobile devices connecting over the internet . If the set of keys are leaked or cracked, the user session informations using the keys may be leaked. -- May 14, 2024 n/a
CVE-2022-45957 ZTE ZXHN-H108NS router with firmware version H108NSV1.0.7u_ZRD_GR2_A68 is vulnerable to remote stack buffer overflow. -- Dec 15, 2022 n/a
CVE-2018-7358 ZTE ZXHN H168N product with versions V2.2.0_PK1.2T5, V2.2.0_PK1.2T2, V2.2.0_PK11T7 and V2.2.0_PK11T have an improper change control vulnerability, which may allow an unauthorized user to perform unauthorized operations. MEDIUM Nov 14, 2018 n/a
CVE-2018-7357 ZTE ZXHN H168N product with versions V2.2.0_PK1.2T5, V2.2.0_PK1.2T2, V2.2.0_PK11T7 and V2.2.0_PK11T have an improper access control vulnerability, which may allow an unauthorized user to gain unauthorized access. LOW Nov 14, 2018 n/a
CVE-2020-6865 ZTE SDN controller platform is impacted by an information leakage vulnerability. Due to the program\'s failure to optimize the response of failure to the request, the caller can directly view the internal error code location of the component. Attackers could exploit this vulnerability to obtain sensitive information. This affects: OSCP versions V16.19.10 and V16.19.20. MEDIUM May 5, 2020 n/a
CVE-2015-7255 ZTE OX-330P, ZXHN H108N, W300V1.0.0S_ZRD_TR1_D68, HG110, GAN9.8T101A-B, MF28G, ZXHN H108N use non-unique X.509 certificates and SSH host keys, which might allow remote attackers to obtain credentials or other sensitive information via a man-in-the-middle attack, passive decryption attack, or impersonating a legitimate device. MEDIUM Aug 29, 2017 n/a
CVE-2022-23143 ZTE OTCP product is impacted by a permission and access control vulnerability. Due to improper permission settings, an attacker with high permissions could use this vulnerability to maliciously delete and modify files. -- Dec 7, 2022 n/a
CVE-2019-3415 ZTE MW NR8000V2.4.4.03 and NR8000V2.4.4.04 are impacted by path traversal vulnerability. Due to path traversal,users can download any files. LOW Jul 17, 2019 n/a
CVE-2021-21749 ZTE MF971R product has two stack-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities. An attacker could exploit the vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code. HIGH Oct 20, 2021 n/a
CVE-2021-21748 ZTE MF971R product has two stack-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities. An attacker could exploit the vulnerabilities to execute arbitrary code. HIGH Oct 20, 2021 n/a
The 'Fixed Release' column is displayed if a single product version is selected from the filter. The fixed release is applicable in cases when the CVE has been addressed and fixed for that product version. Requires LTSS - customers must have active LTSS (Long Term Security Shield) Support to receive up-to-date information about vulnerabilities that may affect legacy software. Please contact your Wind River account team or see and for more information.
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