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HomeCVE Database

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project, maintained by the MITRE Corporation, is a list of all standardized names for vulnerabilities and security exposures.

of 188288 entries
IDDescriptionPriorityModified dateFixed Release
CVE-2024-24759 MindsDB is a platform for building artificial intelligence from enterprise data. Prior to version, a threat actor can bypass the server-side request forgery protection on the whole website with DNS Rebinding. The vulnerability can also lead to denial of service. Version contains a patch. -- Sep 5, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24760 mailcow is a dockerized email package, with multiple containers linked in one bridged network. A security vulnerability has been identified in mailcow affecting versions < 2024-01c. This vulnerability potentially allows attackers on the same subnet to connect to exposed ports of a Docker container, even when the port is bound to The vulnerability has been addressed by implementing additional iptables/nftables rules. These rules drop packets for Docker containers on ports 3306, 6379, 8983, and 12345, where the input interface is not `br-mailcow` and the output interface is `br-mailcow`. -- Feb 2, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24761 Galette is a membership management web application for non profit organizations. Starting in version 1.0.0 and prior to version 1.0.2, public pages are per default restricted to only administrators and staff members. From configuration, it is possible to restrict to up-to-date members or to everyone. Version 1.0.2 fixes this issue. -- Mar 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24762 `python-multipart` is a streaming multipart parser for Python. When using form data, `python-multipart` uses a Regular Expression to parse the HTTP `Content-Type` header, including options. An attacker could send a custom-made `Content-Type` option that is very difficult for the RegEx to process, consuming CPU resources and stalling indefinitely (minutes or more) while holding the main event loop. This means that process can\'t handle any more requests, leading to regular expression denial of service. This vulnerability has been patched in version 0.0.7. -- Feb 5, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24763 JumpServer is an open source bastion host and an operation and maintenance security audit system. Prior to version 3.10.0, attackers can exploit this vulnerability to construct malicious links, leading users to click on them, thereby facilitating phishing attacks or cross-site scripting attacks. Version 3.10.0 contains a patch for this issue. No known workarounds are available. -- Feb 20, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24764 October is a self-hosted CMS platform based on the Laravel PHP Framework. This issue affects authenticated administrators who may be redirected to an untrusted URL using the PageFinder schema. The resolver for the page finder link schema (`october://`) allowed external links, therefore allowing an open redirect outside the scope of the active host. This vulnerability has been patched in version 3.5.15. -- Jun 26, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24765 CasaOS-UserService provides user management functionalities to CasaOS. Prior to version 0.4.7, path filtering of the URL for user avatar image files was not strict, making it possible to get any file on the system. This could allow an unauthorized actor to access, for example, the CasaOS user database, and possibly obtain system root privileges. Version 0.4.7 fixes this issue. -- Mar 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24766 CasaOS-UserService provides user management functionalities to CasaOS. Starting in version and prior to version 0.4.7, the Casa OS Login page disclosed the username enumeration vulnerability in the login page. An attacker can enumerate the CasaOS username using the application response. If the username is incorrect application gives the error `**User does not exist**`. If the password is incorrect application gives the error `**Invalid password**`. Version 0.4.7 fixes this issue. -- Mar 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24767 CasaOS-UserService provides user management functionalities to CasaOS. Starting in version and prior to version 0.4.7, CasaOS doesn\'t defend against password brute force attacks, which leads to having full access to the server. The web application lacks control over the login attempts. This vulnerability allows attackers to get super user-level access over the server. Version 0.4.7 contains a patch for this issue. -- Mar 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24768 1Panel is an open source Linux server operation and maintenance management panel. The HTTPS cookie that comes with the panel does not have the Secure keyword, which may cause the cookie to be sent in plain text if accessed using HTTP. This issue has been patched in version 1.9.6. -- Feb 5, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24770 vantage6 is an open source framework built to enable, manage and deploy privacy enhancing technologies like Federated Learning and Multi-Party Computation. Much like GHSA-45gq-q4xh-cp53, it is possible to find which usernames exist in vantage6 by calling the API routes `/recover/lost` and `/2fa/lost`. These routes send emails to users if they have lost their password or MFA token. This issue has been addressed in commit `aecfd6d0e` and is expected to ship in subsequent releases. Users are advised to upgrade as soon as a new release is available. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability. -- Mar 14, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24771 Open Forms allows users create and publish smart forms. Versions prior to 2.2.9, 2.3.7, 2.4.5, and 2.5.2 contain a non-exploitable multi-factor authentication weakness. Superusers who have their credentials (username + password) compromised could potentially have the second-factor authentication bypassed if an attacker somehow managed to authenticate to Open Forms. The maintainers of Open Forms do not believe it is or has been possible to perform this login. However, if this were possible, the victim\'s account may be abused to view (potentially sensitive) submission data or have been used to impersonate other staff accounts to view and/or modify data. Three mitigating factors to help prevent exploitation include: the usual login page (at `/admin/login/`) does not fully log in the user until the second factor was succesfully provided; the additional non-MFA protected login page at `/api/v2/api-authlogin/` was misconfigured and could not be used to log in; and there are no additional ways to log in. This also requires credentials of a superuser to be compromised to be exploitable. Versions 2.2.9, 2.3.7, 2.4.5, and 2.5.2 contain the following patches to address these weaknesses: Move and only enable the API auth endpoints (`/api/v2/api-auth/login/`) with `settings.DEBUG = True`. `settings.DEBUG = True` is insecure and should never be applied in production settings. Additionally, apply a custom permission check to the hijack flow to only allow second-factor-verified superusers to perform user hijacking. -- Feb 7, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24772 A guest user could exploit a chart data REST API and send arbitrary SQL statements that on error could leak information from the underlying analytics database.This issue affects Apache Superset: before 3.0.4, from 3.1.0 before 3.1.1. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 3.1.1 or 3.0.4, which fixes the issue. -- Feb 28, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24773 Improper parsing of nested SQL statements on SQLLab would allow authenticated users to surpass their data authorization scope. This issue affects Apache Superset: before 3.0.4, from 3.1.0 before 3.1.1. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 3.1.1, which fixes the issue. -- Feb 28, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24774 Mattermost Jira Plugin handling subscriptions fails to check the security level of an incoming issue or limit it based on the user who created the subscription resulting in registered users on Jira being able to create webhooks that give them access to all Jira issues. -- Feb 15, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24775 When a virtual server is enabled with VLAN group and SNAT listener is configured, undisclosed traffic can cause the Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) to terminate.  Note: Software versions which have reached End of Technical Support (EoTS) are not evaluated -- Feb 14, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24776 Mattermost fails to check the required permissions in the POST /api/v4/channels/stats/member_count API resulting in channel member counts being leaked to a user without permissions. -- Feb 15, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24779 Apache Superset with custom roles that include `can write on dataset` and without all data access permissions, allows for users to create virtual datasets to data they don\'t have access to. These users could then use those virtual datasets to get access to unauthorized data. This issue affects Apache Superset: before 3.0.4, from 3.1.0 before 3.1.1. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 3.1.1 or 3.0.4, which fixes the issue. -- Feb 28, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24781 An unauthenticated remote attacker can use an uncontrolled resource consumption vulnerability to DoS the affected devices through excessive traffic on a single ethernet port.  -- Feb 13, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24782 An unauthenticated attacker can send a ping request from one network to another through an error in the origin verification even though the ports are separated by VLAN. -- Feb 13, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24783 Verifying a certificate chain which contains a certificate with an unknown public key algorithm will cause Certificate.Verify to panic. This affects all crypto/tls clients, and servers that set Config.ClientAuth to VerifyClientCertIfGiven or RequireAndVerifyClientCert. The default behavior is for TLS servers to not verify client certificates. -- Jan 31, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24784 The ParseAddressList function incorrectly handles comments (text within parentheses) within display names. Since this is a misalignment with conforming address parsers, it can result in different trust decisions being made by programs using different parsers. -- Feb 25, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24785 If errors returned from MarshalJSON methods contain user controlled data, they may be used to break the contextual auto-escaping behavior of the html/template package, allowing for subsequent actions to inject unexpected content into templates. -- Mar 5, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24786 The protojson.Unmarshal function can enter an infinite loop when unmarshaling certain forms of invalid JSON. This condition can occur when unmarshaling into a message which contains a google.protobuf.Any value, or when the UnmarshalOptions.DiscardUnknown option is set. -- Mar 5, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24787 On Darwin, building a Go module which contains CGO can trigger arbitrary code execution when using the Apple version of ld, due to usage of the -lto_library flag in a #cgo LDFLAGS directive. -- May 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24788 A malformed DNS message in response to a query can cause the Lookup functions to get stuck in an infinite loop. -- May 8, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24789 The archive/zip package\'s handling of certain types of invalid zip files differs from the behavior of most zip implementations. This misalignment could be exploited to create an zip file with contents that vary depending on the implementation reading the file. The archive/zip package now rejects files containing these errors. -- May 23, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24790 The various Is methods (IsPrivate, IsLoopback, etc) did not work as expected for IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses, returning false for addresses which would return true in their traditional IPv4 forms. -- May 30, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24791 The net/http HTTP/1.1 client mishandled the case where a server responds to a request with an Expect: 100-continue header with a non-informational (200 or higher) status. This mishandling could leave a client connection in an invalid state, where the next request sent on the connection will fail. An attacker sending a request to a net/http/httputil.ReverseProxy proxy can exploit this mishandling to cause a denial of service by sending Expect: 100-continue requests which elicit a non-informational response from the backend. Each such request leaves the proxy with an invalid connection, and causes one subsequent request using that connection to fail. -- Jul 2, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24792 Parsing a corrupt or malicious image with invalid color indices can cause a panic. -- Jun 19, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24793 A use-after-free vulnerability exists in the DICOM Element Parsing as implemented in Imaging Data Commons libdicom 1.0.5. A specially crafted DICOM file can cause premature freeing of memory that is used later. To trigger this vulnerability, an attacker would need to induce the vulnerable application to process a malicious DICOM image.The Use-After-Free happens in the `parse_meta_element_create()` parsing the elements in the File Meta Information header. -- Feb 20, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24794 A use-after-free vulnerability exists in the DICOM Element Parsing as implemented in Imaging Data Commons libdicom 1.0.5. A specially crafted DICOM file can cause premature freeing of memory that is used later. To trigger this vulnerability, an attacker would need to induce the vulnerable application to process a malicious DICOM image.The Use-After-Free happens in the `parse_meta_sequence_end()` parsing the Sequence Value Represenations. -- Feb 20, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24795 HTTP Response splitting in multiple modules in Apache HTTP Server allows an attacker that can inject malicious response headers into backend applications to cause an HTTP desynchronization attack. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.4.59, which fixes this issue. -- Apr 5, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24796 Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in MagePeople Team Event Manager and Tickets Selling Plugin for WooCommerce – WpEvently – WordPress Plugin.This issue affects Event Manager and Tickets Selling Plugin for WooCommerce – WpEvently – WordPress Plugin: from n/a through 4.1.1. -- Feb 12, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24797 Deserialization of Untrusted Data vulnerability in G5Theme ERE Recently Viewed – Essential Real Estate Add-On.This issue affects ERE Recently Viewed – Essential Real Estate Add-On: from n/a through 1.3. -- Feb 12, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24798 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in SoniNow Team Debug.This issue affects Debug: from n/a through 1.10. -- Feb 21, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24799 Missing Authorization vulnerability in WooCommerce WooCommerce Box Office.This issue affects WooCommerce Box Office: from n/a through 1.2.2. -- Mar 26, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24800 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (\'Cross-site Scripting\') vulnerability in AdTribes.Io Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce allows Reflected XSS.This issue affects Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce: from n/a through 13.2.5. -- Mar 27, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24801 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (\'Cross-site Scripting\') vulnerability in LogicHunt OWL Carousel – WordPress Owl Carousel Slider allows Stored XSS.This issue affects OWL Carousel – WordPress Owl Carousel Slider: from n/a through 1.4.0. -- Feb 16, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24802 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in John Tendik JTRT Responsive Tables.This issue affects JTRT Responsive Tables: from n/a through 4.1.9. -- Feb 21, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24803 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (\'Cross-site Scripting\') vulnerability in WPoperation Ultra Companion – Companion plugin for WPoperation Themes allows Stored XSS.This issue affects Ultra Companion – Companion plugin for WPoperation Themes: from n/a through 1.1.9. -- Feb 16, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24804 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (\'Cross-site Scripting\') vulnerability in websoudan MW WP Form allows Stored XSS.This issue affects MW WP Form: from n/a through 5.0.6. -- Feb 16, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24805 Missing Authorization vulnerability in Deepak anand WP Dummy Content Generator.This issue affects WP Dummy Content Generator: from n/a through 3.1.2. -- Mar 26, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24806 libuv is a multi-platform support library with a focus on asynchronous I/O. The `uv_getaddrinfo` function in `src/unix/getaddrinfo.c` (and its windows counterpart `src/win/getaddrinfo.c`), truncates hostnames to 256 characters before calling `getaddrinfo`. This behavior can be exploited to create addresses like `0x00007f000001`, which are considered valid by `getaddrinfo` and could allow an attacker to craft payloads that resolve to unintended IP addresses, bypassing developer checks. The vulnerability arises due to how the `hostname_ascii` variable (with a length of 256 bytes) is handled in `uv_getaddrinfo` and subsequently in `uv__idna_toascii`. When the hostname exceeds 256 characters, it gets truncated without a terminating null byte. As a result attackers may be able to access internal APIs or for websites (similar to MySpace) that allows users to have `` pages. Internal services that crawl or cache these user pages can be exposed to SSRF attacks if a malicious user chooses a long vulnerable username. This issue has been addressed in release version 1.48.0. Users are advised to upgrade. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability. -- Feb 8, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24807 Sulu is a highly extensible open-source PHP content management system based on the Symfony framework. There is an issue when inputting HTML into the Tag name. The HTML is executed when the tag name is listed in the auto complete form. Only admin users can create tags so they are the only ones affected. The problem is patched with version(s) 2.4.16 and 2.5.12. -- Feb 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24808 pyLoad is an open-source Download Manager written in pure Python. There is an open redirect vulnerability due to incorrect validation of input values when redirecting users after login. pyLoad is validating URLs via the `get_redirect_url` function when redirecting users at login. This vulnerability has been patched with commit fe94451. -- Feb 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24809 Traccar is an open source GPS tracking system. Versions prior to 6.0 are vulnerable to path traversal and unrestricted upload of file with dangerous type. Since the system allows registration by default, attackers can acquire ordinary user permissions by registering an account and exploit this vulnerability to upload files with the prefix `device.` under any folder. Attackers can use this vulnerability for phishing, cross-site scripting attacks, and potentially execute arbitrary commands on the server. Version 6.0 contains a patch for the issue. -- Apr 10, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24810 WiX toolset lets developers create installers for Windows Installer, the Windows installation engine. The .be TEMP folder is vulnerable to DLL redirection attacks that allow the attacker to escalate privileges. This impacts any installer built with the WiX installer framework. This issue has been patched in version 4.0.4. -- Feb 7, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24811 SQLAlchemyDA is a generic database adapter for ZSQL methods. A vulnerability found in versions prior to 2.2 allows unauthenticated execution of arbitrary SQL statements on the database to which the SQLAlchemyDA instance is connected. All users are affected. The problem has been patched in version 2.2. There is no workaround for the problem. -- Feb 7, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24812 Frappe is a full-stack web application framework that uses Python and MariaDB on the server side and a tightly integrated client side library. Prior to versions 14.59.0 and 15.5.0, portal pages are susceptible to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) which can be used to inject malicious JS code if user clicks on a malicious link. This vulnerability has been patched in versions 14.59.0 and 15.5.0. No known workarounds are available. -- Feb 7, 2024 n/a
The 'Fixed Release' column is displayed if a single product version is selected from the filter. The fixed release is applicable in cases when the CVE has been addressed and fixed for that product version. Requires LTSS - customers must have active LTSS (Long Term Security Shield) Support to receive up-to-date information about vulnerabilities that may affect legacy software. Please contact your Wind River account team or see and for more information.
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