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HomeCVE Database

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project, maintained by the MITRE Corporation, is a list of all standardized names for vulnerabilities and security exposures.

of 227455 entries
IDDescriptionPriorityModified date
CVE-2019-0219 A website running in the InAppBrowser webview on Android could execute arbitrary JavaScript in the main application\'s webview using a specially crafted gap-iab: URI. HIGH Jan 14, 2020
CVE-2019-0218 A vulnerability was discovered wherein a specially crafted URL could enable reflected XSS via JavaScript in the pony mail interface. MEDIUM Apr 26, 2019
CVE-2019-0217 In Apache HTTP Server 2.4 release 2.4.38 and prior, a race condition in mod_auth_digest when running in a threaded server could allow a user with valid credentials to authenticate using another username, bypassing configured access control restrictions. Medium Apr 11, 2019
CVE-2019-0216 A malicious admin user could edit the state of objects in the Airflow metadata database to execute arbitrary javascript on certain page views. LOW Apr 11, 2019
CVE-2019-0215 In Apache HTTP Server 2.4 releases 2.4.37 and 2.4.38, a bug in mod_ssl when using per-location client certificate verification with TLSv1.3 allowed a client to bypass configured access control restrictions. Medium Apr 11, 2019
CVE-2019-0214 In Apache Archiva 2.0.0 - 2.2.3, it is possible to write files to the archiva server at arbitrary locations by using the artifact upload mechanism. Existing files can be overwritten, if the archiva run user has appropriate permission on the filesystem for the target file. MEDIUM May 3, 2019
CVE-2019-0213 In Apache Archiva before 2.2.4, it may be possible to store malicious XSS code into central configuration entries, i.e. the logo URL. The vulnerability is considered as minor risk, as only users with admin role can change the configuration, or the communication between the browser and the Archiva server must be compromised. MEDIUM May 6, 2019
CVE-2019-0212 In all previously released Apache HBase 2.x versions (2.0.0-2.0.4, 2.1.0-2.1.3), authorization was incorrectly applied to users of the HBase REST server. Requests sent to the HBase REST server were executed with the permissions of the REST server itself, not with the permissions of the end-user. This issue is only relevant when HBase is configured with Kerberos authentication, HBase authorization is enabled, and the REST server is configured with SPNEGO authentication. This issue does not extend beyond the HBase REST server. MEDIUM Mar 28, 2019
CVE-2019-0211 In Apache HTTP Server 2.4 releases 2.4.17 to 2.4.38, with MPM event, worker or prefork, code executing in less-privileged child processes or threads (including scripts executed by an in-process scripting interpreter) could execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the parent process (usually root) by manipulating the scoreboard. Non-Unix systems are not affected. High Apr 11, 2019
CVE-2019-0210 In Apache Thrift 0.9.3 to 0.12.0, a server implemented in Go using TJSONProtocol or TSimpleJSONProtocol may panic when feed with invalid input data. MEDIUM Oct 30, 2019
CVE-2019-0209 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none -- Nov 7, 2023
CVE-2019-0208 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none -- Nov 7, 2023
CVE-2019-0207 Tapestry processes assets `/assets/ctx` using classes chain `StaticFilesFilter -> AssetDispatcher -> ContextResource`, which doesn\'t filter the character `\\`, so attacker can perform a path traversal attack to read any files on Windows platform. MEDIUM Oct 7, 2019
CVE-2019-0206 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none -- Nov 7, 2023
CVE-2019-0205 In Apache Thrift all versions up to and including 0.12.0, a server or client may run into an endless loop when feed with specific input data. Because the issue had already been partially fixed in version 0.11.0, depending on the installed version it affects only certain language bindings. HIGH Oct 31, 2019
CVE-2019-0204 A specifically crafted Docker image running under the root user can overwrite the init helper binary of the container runtime and/or the command executor in Apache Mesos versions pre-1.4.x, 1.4.0 to 1.4.2, 1.5.0 to 1.5.2, 1.6.0 to 1.6.1, and 1.7.0 to 1.7.1. A malicious actor can therefore gain root-level code execution on the host. -- Mar 27, 2019
CVE-2019-0203 In Apache Subversion versions up to and including 1.9.10, 1.10.4, 1.12.0, Subversion\'s svnserve server process may exit when a client sends certain sequences of protocol commands. This can lead to disruption for users of the server. Medium Sep 27, 2019
CVE-2019-0202 The Apache Storm Logviewer daemon exposes HTTP-accessible endpoints to read/search log files on hosts running Storm. In Apache Storm versions 0.9.1-incubating to 1.2.2, it is possible to read files off the host\'s file system that were not intended to be accessible via these endpoints. MEDIUM Aug 7, 2019
CVE-2019-0201 An issue is present in Apache ZooKeeper 1.0.0 to 3.4.13 and 3.5.0-alpha to 3.5.4-beta. ZooKeeper’s getACL() command doesn’t check any permission when retrieves the ACLs of the requested node and returns all information contained in the ACL Id field as plaintext string. DigestAuthenticationProvider overloads the Id field with the hash value that is used for user authentication. As a consequence, if Digest Authentication is in use, the unsalted hash value will be disclosed by getACL() request for unauthenticated or unprivileged users. Medium Jun 12, 2019
CVE-2019-0200 A Denial of Service vulnerability was found in Apache Qpid Broker-J versions 6.0.0-7.0.6 (inclusive) and 7.1.0 which allows an unauthenticated attacker to crash the broker instance by sending specially crafted commands using AMQP protocol versions below 1.0 (AMQP 0-8, 0-9, 0-91 and 0-10). Users of Apache Qpid Broker-J versions 6.0.0-7.0.6 (inclusive) and 7.1.0 utilizing AMQP protocols 0-8, 0-9, 0-91, 0-10 must upgrade to Qpid Broker-J versions 7.0.7 or 7.1.1 or later. MEDIUM Mar 22, 2019
CVE-2019-0199 The HTTP/2 implementation in Apache Tomcat 9.0.0.M1 to 9.0.14 and 8.5.0 to 8.5.37 accepted streams with excessive numbers of SETTINGS frames and also permitted clients to keep streams open without reading/writing request/response data. By keeping streams open for requests that utilised the Servlet API\'s blocking I/O, clients were able to cause server-side threads to block eventually leading to thread exhaustion and a DoS. MEDIUM Apr 15, 2019
CVE-2019-0198 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: The CNA or individual who requested this candidate did not associate it with any vulnerability during 2019. Notes: none -- Nov 7, 2023
CVE-2019-0197 A vulnerability was found in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.34 to 2.4.38. When HTTP/2 was enabled for a http: host or H2Upgrade was enabled for h2 on a https: host, an Upgrade request from http/1.1 to http/2 that was not the first request on a connection could lead to a misconfiguration and crash. Server that never enabled the h2 protocol or that only enabled it for https: and did not set H2Upgrade on are unaffected by this issue. Medium Jun 12, 2019
CVE-2019-0196 A vulnerability was found in Apache HTTP Server 2.4.17 to 2.4.38. Using fuzzed network input, the http/2 request handling could be made to access freed memory in string comparison when determining the method of a request and thus process the request incorrectly. Medium Jun 12, 2019
CVE-2019-0195 Manipulating classpath asset file URLs, an attacker could guess the path to a known file in the classpath and have it downloaded. If the attacker found the file with the value of the tapestry.hmac-passphrase configuration symbol, most probably the webapp\'s AppModule class, the value of this symbol could be used to craft a Java deserialization attack, thus running malicious injected Java code. The vector would be the t:formdata parameter from the Form component. HIGH Oct 7, 2019
CVE-2019-0194 Apache Camel\'s File is vulnerable to directory traversal. Camel 2.21.0 to 2.21.3, 2.22.0 to 2.22.2, 2.23.0 and the unsupported Camel 2.x (2.19 and earlier) versions may be also affected. MEDIUM May 7, 2019
CVE-2019-0193 In Apache Solr, the DataImportHandler, an optional but popular module to pull in data from databases and other sources, has a feature in which the whole DIH configuration can come from a request\'s \"dataConfig\" parameter. The debug mode of the DIH admin screen uses this to allow convenient debugging / development of a DIH config. Since a DIH config can contain scripts, this parameter is a security risk. Starting with version 8.2.0 of Solr, use of this parameter requires setting the Java System property \"enable.dih.dataConfigParam\" to true. HIGH Aug 8, 2019
CVE-2019-0192 In Apache Solr versions 5.0.0 to 5.5.5 and 6.0.0 to 6.6.5, the Config API allows to configure the JMX server via an HTTP POST request. By pointing it to a malicious RMI server, an attacker could take advantage of Solr\'s unsafe deserialization to trigger remote code execution on the Solr side. HIGH Mar 28, 2019
CVE-2019-0191 Apache Karaf kar deployer reads .kar archives and extracts the paths from the \"repository/\" and \"resources/\" entries in the zip file. It then writes out the content of these paths to the Karaf repo and resources directories. However, it doesn\'t do any validation on the paths in the zip file. This means that a malicious user could craft a .kar file with \"..\" directory names and break out of the directories to write arbitrary content to the filesystem. This is the \"Zip-slip\" vulnerability - This vulnerability is low if the Karaf process user has limited permission on the filesystem. Any Apache Karaf releases prior 4.2.3 is impacted. -- Mar 27, 2019
CVE-2019-0190 A bug exists in the way mod_ssl handled client renegotiations. A remote attacker could send a carefully crafted request that would cause mod_ssl to enter a loop leading to a denial of service. This bug can be only triggered with Apache HTTP Server version 2.4.37 when using OpenSSL version 1.1.1 or later, due to an interaction in changes to handling of renegotiation attempts. MEDIUM Jan 31, 2019
CVE-2019-0189 The is known to cause Java serialisation issues. This issue here is exposed by the \"webtools/control/httpService\" URL, and uses Java deserialization to perform code execution. In the HttpEngine, the value of the request parameter \"serviceContext\" is passed to the \"deserialize\" method of \"XmlSerializer\". Apache Ofbiz is affected via two different dependencies: \"commons-beanutils\" and an out-dated version of \"commons-fileupload\" Mitigation: Upgrade to 16.11.06 or manually apply the commits from OFBIZ-10770 and OFBIZ-10837 on branch 16 HIGH Sep 13, 2019
CVE-2019-0188 Apache Camel prior to 2.24.0 contains an XML external entity injection (XXE) vulnerability (CWE-611) due to using an outdated vulnerable JSON-lib library. This affects only the camel-xmljson component, which was removed. MEDIUM Jun 7, 2019
CVE-2019-0187 Unauthenticated RCE is possible when JMeter is used in distributed mode (-r or -R command line options). Attacker can establish a RMI connection to a jmeter-server using RemoteJMeterEngine and proceed with an attack using untrusted data deserialization. This only affect tests running in Distributed mode. Note that versions before 4.0 are not able to encrypt traffic between the nodes, nor authenticate the participating nodes so upgrade to JMeter 5.1 is also advised. HIGH Mar 22, 2019
CVE-2019-0186 The input fields of the Apache Pluto \"Chat Room\" demo portlet 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 are vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. Mitigation: * Uninstall the ChatRoomDemo war file - or - * migrate to version 3.1.0 of the chat-room-demo war file -- Apr 29, 2019
CVE-2019-0185 Insufficient access control in protected memory subsystem for SMM for 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) Processor families; Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor E3-1500 v5 and v6 families; Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2100 and E-2200 Processor families with Intel(R) Processor Graphics may allow a privileged user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. LOW Nov 14, 2019
CVE-2019-0184 Insufficient access control in protected memory subsystem for Intel(R) TXT for 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) Processor Families; Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor E3-1500 v5 and v6 Families; Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2100 and E-2200 Processor Families with Intel(R) Processor Graphics and Intel(R) TXT may allow a privileged user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. LOW Nov 14, 2019
CVE-2019-0183 Insufficient password protection in the attestation database for Open CIT may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. LOW Jun 24, 2019
CVE-2019-0182 Insufficient password protection in the attestation database for Open CIT may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. LOW Jun 24, 2019
CVE-2019-0181 Insufficient password protection in the attestation database for Open CIT may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. MEDIUM Jun 24, 2019
CVE-2019-0180 Insufficient password protection in the attestation database for Open CIT may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. LOW Jun 24, 2019
CVE-2019-0179 Insufficient password protection in the attestation database for Open CIT may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. LOW Jun 24, 2019
CVE-2019-0178 Insufficient password protection in the attestation database for Open CIT may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. LOW Jun 24, 2019
CVE-2019-0177 Insufficient password protection in the attestation database for Open CIT may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. LOW Jun 24, 2019
CVE-2019-0176 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023
CVE-2019-0175 Insufficient password protection in the attestation database for Open CIT may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable information disclosure via local access. LOW Jun 24, 2019
CVE-2019-0174 Logic condition in specific microprocessors may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable partial physical address information disclosure via local access. LOW Jun 19, 2019
CVE-2019-0173 Authentication bypass in the web console for Intel(R) Raid Web Console 2 all versions may allow an unauthenticated attacker to potentially enable disclosure of information via network access. MEDIUM Aug 27, 2019
CVE-2019-0172 A logic issue in Intel Unite(R) Client for Android prior to version 4.0 may allow a remote attacker to potentially enable escalation of privilege via network access. HIGH May 20, 2019
CVE-2019-0171 Improper directory permissions in the installer for Intel(R) Quartus(R) software may allow an authenticated user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via local access. MEDIUM May 21, 2019
CVE-2019-0170 Buffer overflow in subsystem in Intel(R) DAL before version 12.0.35 may allow a privileged user to potentially enable escalation of privilege via local access. MEDIUM May 20, 2019
The 'Fixed Release' column is displayed if a single product version is selected from the filter. The fixed release is applicable in cases when the CVE has been addressed and fixed for that product version. Requires LTSS - customers must have active LTSS (Long Term Security Shield) Support to receive up-to-date information about vulnerabilities that may affect legacy software. Please contact your Wind River account team or see and for more information.
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