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HomeCVE Database

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project, maintained by the MITRE Corporation, is a list of all standardized names for vulnerabilities and security exposures.

of 227455 entries
IDDescriptionPriorityModified date
CVE-2019-10175 A flaw was found in the containerized-data-importer in virt-cdi-cloner, version 1.4, where the host-assisted cloning feature does not determine whether the requesting user has permission to access the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) in the source namespace. This could allow users to clone any PVC in the cluster into their own namespace, effectively allowing access to other user\'s data. MEDIUM Jul 5, 2019
CVE-2019-10174 A vulnerability was found in Infinispan such that the invokeAccessibly method from the public class ReflectionUtil allows any application class to invoke private methods in any class with Infinispan\'s privileges. The attacker can use reflection to introduce new, malicious behavior into the application. HIGH Nov 25, 2019
CVE-2019-10173 It was found that xstream API version 1.4.10 before 1.4.11 introduced a regression for a previous deserialization flaw. If the security framework has not been initialized, it may allow a remote attacker to run arbitrary shell commands when unmarshalling XML or any supported format. e.g. JSON. (regression of CVE-2013-7285) HIGH Aug 5, 2019
CVE-2019-10172 A flaw was found in org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-mapper-asl:1.9.x libraries. XML external entity vulnerabilities similar CVE-2016-3720 also affects codehaus jackson-mapper-asl libraries but in different classes. MEDIUM Nov 22, 2019
CVE-2019-10171 It was found that the fix for CVE-2018-14648 in 389-ds-base, versions 1.4.0.x before, was incorrectly applied in RHEL 7.5. An attacker would still be able to provoke excessive CPU consumption leading to a denial of service. HIGH Aug 9, 2019
CVE-2019-10170 A flaw was found in the Keycloak admin console, where the realm management interface permits a script to be set via the policy. This flaw allows an attacker with authenticated user and realm management permissions to configure a malicious script to trigger and execute arbitrary code with the permissions of the application user. MEDIUM May 8, 2020
CVE-2019-10169 A flaw was found in Keycloak’s user-managed access interface, where it would permit a script to be set in the UMA policy. This flaw allows an authenticated attacker with UMA permissions to configure a malicious script to trigger and execute arbitrary code with the permissions of the user running application. MEDIUM May 8, 2020
CVE-2019-10168 The virConnectBaselineHypervisorCPU() and virConnectCompareHypervisorCPU() libvirt APIs, 4.x.x before 4.10.1 and 5.x.x before 5.4.1, accept an emulator argument to specify the program providing emulation for a domain. Since v1.2.19, libvirt will execute that program to probe the domain\'s capabilities. Read-only clients could specify an arbitrary path for this argument, causing libvirtd to execute a crafted executable with its own privileges. Medium Aug 12, 2019
CVE-2019-10167 The virConnectGetDomainCapabilities() libvirt API, versions 4.x.x before 4.10.1 and 5.x.x before 5.4.1, accepts an emulatorbin argument to specify the program providing emulation for a domain. Since v1.2.19, libvirt will execute that program to probe the domain\'s capabilities. Read-only clients could specify an arbitrary path for this argument, causing libvirtd to execute a crafted executable with its own privileges. Medium Aug 12, 2019
CVE-2019-10166 It was discovered that libvirtd, versions 4.x.x before 4.10.1 and 5.x.x before 5.4.1, would permit readonly clients to use the virDomainManagedSaveDefineXML() API, which would permit them to modify managed save state files. If a managed save had already been created by a privileged user, a local attacker could modify this file such that libvirtd would execute an arbitrary program when the domain was resumed. Medium Aug 12, 2019
CVE-2019-10165 OpenShift Container Platform before version 4.1.3 writes OAuth tokens in plaintext to the audit logs for the Kubernetes API server and OpenShift API server. A user with sufficient privileges could recover OAuth tokens from these audit logs and use them to access other resources. LOW Aug 8, 2019
CVE-2019-10164 PostgreSQL versions 10.x before 10.9 and versions 11.x before 11.4 are vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow. Any authenticated user can overflow a stack-based buffer by changing the user\'s own password to a purpose-crafted value. This often suffices to execute arbitrary code as the PostgreSQL operating system account. High Jun 27, 2019
CVE-2019-10163 A Vulnerability has been found in PowerDNS Authoritative Server before versions 4.1.9, 4.0.8 allowing a remote, authorized master server to cause a high CPU load or even prevent any further updates to any slave zone by sending a large number of NOTIFY messages. Note that only servers configured as slaves are affected by this issue. MEDIUM Aug 15, 2019
CVE-2019-10162 A vulnerability has been found in PowerDNS Authoritative Server before versions 4.1.10, 4.0.8 allowing an authorized user to cause the server to exit by inserting a crafted record in a MASTER type zone under their control. The issue is due to the fact that the Authoritative Server will exit when it runs into a parsing error while looking up the NS/A/AAAA records it is about to use for an outgoing notify. MEDIUM Aug 15, 2019
CVE-2019-10161 It was discovered that libvirtd before versions 4.10.1 and 5.4.1 would permit read-only clients to use the virDomainSaveImageGetXMLDesc() API, specifying an arbitrary path which would be accessed with the permissions of the libvirtd process. An attacker with access to the libvirtd socket could use this to probe the existence of arbitrary files, cause denial of service or cause libvirtd to execute arbitrary programs. High Aug 8, 2019
CVE-2019-10160 A security regression of CVE-2019-9636 was discovered in python since commit d537ab0ff9767ef024f26246899728f0116b1ec3 affecting versions 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and from v3.8.0a4 through v3.8.0b1, which still allows an attacker to exploit CVE-2019-9636 by abusing the user and password parts of a URL. When an application parses user-supplied URLs to store cookies, authentication credentials, or other kind of information, it is possible for an attacker to provide specially crafted URLs to make the application locate host-related information (e.g. cookies, authentication data) and send them to a different host than where it should, unlike if the URLs had been correctly parsed. The result of an attack may vary based on the application. Medium Jun 11, 2019
CVE-2019-10159 cfme-gemset versions and below, and below are vulnerable to a data leak, due to an improper authorization in the migration log controller. An attacker with access to an unprivileged user can access all VM migration logs available. Medium Jun 17, 2019
CVE-2019-10158 A flaw was found in Infinispan through version 9.4.14.Final. An improper implementation of the session fixation protection in the Spring Session integration can result in incorrect session handling. HIGH Jan 10, 2020
CVE-2019-10157 It was found that Keycloak\'s Node.js adapter before version 4.8.3 did not properly verify the web token received from the server in its backchannel logout . An attacker with local access could use this to construct a malicious web token setting an NBF parameter that could prevent user access indefinitely. -- Jun 12, 2019
CVE-2019-10156 A flaw was discovered in the way Ansible templating was implemented in versions before 2.6.18, 2.7.12 and 2.8.2, causing the possibility of information disclosure through unexpected variable substitution. By taking advantage of unintended variable substitution the content of any variable may be disclosed. MEDIUM Aug 6, 2019
CVE-2019-10155 The Libreswan Project has found a vulnerability in the processing of IKEv1 informational exchange packets which are encrypted and integrity protected using the established IKE SA encryption and integrity keys, but as a receiver, the integrity check value was not verified. This issue affects versions before 3.29. -- Jun 13, 2019
CVE-2019-10154 A flaw was found in Moodle before versions 3.7, 3.6.4. A web service fetching messages was not restricted to the current user\'s conversations. MEDIUM Jun 27, 2019
CVE-2019-10153 A flaw was discovered in fence-agents, prior to version 4.3.4, where using non-ASCII characters in a guest VM\'s comment or other fields would cause fence_rhevm to exit with an exception. In cluster environments, this could lead to preventing automated recovery or otherwise denying service to clusters of which that VM is a member. MEDIUM Aug 12, 2019
CVE-2019-10152 A path traversal vulnerability has been discovered in podman before version 1.4.0 in the way it handles symlinks inside containers. An attacker who has compromised an existing container can cause arbitrary files on the host filesystem to be read/written when an administrator tries to copy a file from/to the container. LOW Aug 6, 2019
CVE-2019-10151 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none -- Nov 7, 2023
CVE-2019-10150 It was found that OpenShift Container Platform versions 3.6.x - 4.6.0 does not perform SSH Host Key checking when using ssh key authentication during builds. An attacker, with the ability to redirect network traffic, could use this to alter the resulting build output. MEDIUM Jun 12, 2019
CVE-2019-10149 A flaw was found in Exim versions 4.87 to 4.91 (inclusive). Improper validation of recipient address in deliver_message() function in /src/deliver.c may lead to remote command execution. HIGH Jun 11, 2019
CVE-2019-10148 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: CVE-2019-12779. Reason: This candidate is a reservation duplicate of CVE-2019-12779. Notes: All CVE users should reference CVE- CVE-2019-12779 instead of this candidate. All references and descriptions in this candidate have been removed to prevent accidental usage -- Nov 7, 2023
CVE-2019-10147 rkt through version 1.30.0 does not isolate processes in containers that are run with `rkt enter`. Processes run with `rkt enter` are not limited by cgroups during stage 2 (the actual environment in which the applications run). Compromised containers could exploit this flaw to access host resources. MEDIUM Jun 4, 2019
CVE-2019-10146 A Reflected Cross Site Scripting flaw was found in all pki-core 10.x.x versions module from the pki-core server due to the CA Agent Service not properly sanitizing the certificate request page. An attacker could inject a specially crafted value that will be executed on the victim\'s browser. LOW Mar 18, 2020
CVE-2019-10145 rkt through version 1.30.0 does not isolate processes in containers that are run with `rkt enter`. Processes run with `rkt enter` do not have seccomp filtering during stage 2 (the actual environment in which the applications run). Compromised containers could exploit this flaw to access host resources. MEDIUM Jun 4, 2019
CVE-2019-10144 rkt through version 1.30.0 does not isolate processes in containers that are run with `rkt enter`. Processes run with `rkt enter` are given all capabilities during stage 2 (the actual environment in which the applications run). Compromised containers could exploit this flaw to access host resources. MEDIUM Jun 4, 2019
CVE-2019-10143 It was discovered freeradius up to and including version 3.0.19 does not correctly configure logrotate, allowing a local attacker who already has control of the radiusd user to escalate his privileges to root, by tricking logrotate into writing a radiusd-writable file to a directory normally inaccessible by the radiusd user. NOTE: the upstream software maintainer has stated there is simply no way for anyone to gain privileges through this alleged issue. Medium May 29, 2019
CVE-2019-10142 A flaw was found in the Linux kernel\'s freescale hypervisor manager implementation, kernel versions 5.0.x up to, excluding 5.0.17. A parameter passed to an ioctl was incorrectly validated and used in size calculations for the page size calculation. An attacker can use this flaw to crash the system, corrupt memory, or create other adverse security affects. MEDIUM Jul 30, 2019
CVE-2019-10141 A vulnerability was found in openstack-ironic-inspector all versions excluding 5.0.2, 6.0.3, 7.2.4, 8.0.3 and 8.2.1. A SQL-injection vulnerability was found in openstack-ironic-inspector\'s node_cache.find_node(). This function makes a SQL query using unfiltered data from a server reporting inspection results (by a POST to the /v1/continue endpoint). Because the API is unauthenticated, the flaw could be exploited by an attacker with access to the network on which ironic-inspector is listening. Because of how ironic-inspector uses the query results, it is unlikely that data could be obtained. However, the attacker could pass malicious data and create a denial of service. MEDIUM Aug 15, 2019
CVE-2019-10140 A vulnerability was found in Linux kernel\'s, versions up to 3.10, implementation of overlayfs. An attacker with local access can create a denial of service situation via NULL pointer dereference in ovl_posix_acl_create function in fs/overlayfs/dir.c. This can allow attackers with ability to create directories on overlayfs to crash the kernel creating a denial of service (DOS). Medium Aug 28, 2019
CVE-2019-10139 During HE deployment via cockpit-ovirt, cockpit-ovirt generates an ansible variable file `/var/lib/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/cockpit/ansibleVarFileXXXXXX.var` which contains the admin and the appliance passwords as plain-text. At the of the deployment procedure, these files are deleted. Low May 21, 2019
CVE-2019-10138 A flaw was discovered in the python-novajoin plugin, all versions up to, excluding 1.1.1, for Red Hat OpenStack Platform. The novajoin API lacked sufficient access control, allowing any keystone authenticated user to generate FreeIPA tokens. MEDIUM Aug 7, 2019
CVE-2019-10137 A path traversal flaw was found in spacewalk-proxy, all versions through 2.9, in the way the proxy processes cached client tokens. A remote, unauthenticated attacker could use this flaw to test the existence of arbitrary files, if they have access to the proxy\'s filesystem, or can execute arbitrary code in the context of the httpd process. High Jul 7, 2019
CVE-2019-10136 It was found that Spacewalk, all versions through 2.9, did not safely compute client token checksums. An attacker with a valid, but expired, authenticated set of headers could move some digits around, artificially extending the session validity without modifying the checksum. Medium Jul 7, 2019
CVE-2019-10135 A flaw was found in the yaml.load() function in the osbs-client versions since 0.46 before 0.56.1. Insecure use of the yaml.load() function allowed the user to load any suspicious object for code execution via the parsing of malicious YAML files. MEDIUM Jul 18, 2019
CVE-2019-10134 A flaw was found in Moodle before 3.7, 3.6.4, 3.5.6, 3.4.9 and 3.1.18. The size of users\' private file uploads via email were not correctly checked, so their quota allowance could be exceeded. MEDIUM Jun 27, 2019
CVE-2019-10133 A flaw was found in Moodle before 3.7, 3.6.4, 3.5.6, 3.4.9 and 3.1.18. The form to upload cohorts contained a redirect field, which was not restricted to internal URLs. MEDIUM Jun 27, 2019
CVE-2019-10132 A vulnerability was found in libvirt >= 4.1.0 in the virtlockd-admin.socket and virtlogd-admin.socket systemd units. A missing SocketMode configuration parameter allows any user on the host to connect using virtlockd-admin-sock or virtlogd-admin-sock and perform administrative tasks against the virtlockd and virtlogd daemons. Medium Jun 11, 2019
CVE-2019-10131 An off-by-one read vulnerability was discovered in ImageMagick before version 7.0.7-28 in the formatIPTCfromBuffer function in coders/meta.c. A local attacker may use this flaw to read beyond the end of the buffer or to crash the program. Low May 2, 2019
CVE-2019-10130 A vulnerability was found in PostgreSQL versions 11.x up to excluding 11.3, 10.x up to excluding 10.8, 9.6.x up to, excluding 9.6.13, 9.5.x up to, excluding 9.5.17. PostgreSQL maintains column statistics for tables. Certain statistics, such as histograms and lists of most common values, contain values taken from the column. PostgreSQL does not evaluate row security policies before consulting those statistics during query planning; an attacker can exploit this to read the most common values of certain columns. Affected columns are those for which the attacker has SELECT privilege and for which, in an ordinary query, row-level security prunes the set of rows visible to the attacker. MEDIUM Jul 30, 2019
CVE-2019-10129 A vulnerability was found in postgresql versions 11.x prior to 11.3. Using a purpose-crafted insert to a partitioned table, an attacker can read arbitrary bytes of server memory. In the default configuration, any user can create a partitioned table suitable for this attack. (Exploit prerequisites are the same as for CVE-2018-1052). MEDIUM Jul 30, 2019
CVE-2019-10128 A vulnerability was found in postgresql versions 11.x prior to 11.3. The Windows installer for EnterpriseDB-supplied PostgreSQL does not lock down the ACL of the binary installation directory or the ACL of the data directory; it keeps the inherited ACL. In the default configuration, this allows a local attacker to read arbitrary data directory files, essentially bypassing database-imposed read access limitations. In plausible non-default configurations, an attacker having both an unprivileged Windows account and an unprivileged PostgreSQL account can cause the PostgreSQL service account to execute arbitrary code. MEDIUM Mar 19, 2021
CVE-2019-10127 A vulnerability was found in postgresql versions 11.x prior to 11.3. The Windows installer for BigSQL-supplied PostgreSQL does not lock down the ACL of the binary installation directory or the ACL of the data directory; it keeps the inherited ACL. In the default configuration, an attacker having both an unprivileged Windows account and an unprivileged PostgreSQL account can cause the PostgreSQL service account to execute arbitrary code. An attacker having only the unprivileged Windows account can read arbitrary data directory files, essentially bypassing database-imposed read access limitations. An attacker having only the unprivileged Windows account can also delete certain data directory files. MEDIUM Mar 19, 2021
CVE-2019-10126 A flaw was found in the Linux kernel. A heap based buffer overflow in mwifiex_uap_parse_tail_ies function in drivers/net/wireless/marvell/mwifiex/ie.c might lead to memory corruption and possibly other consequences. High Jun 17, 2019
The 'Fixed Release' column is displayed if a single product version is selected from the filter. The fixed release is applicable in cases when the CVE has been addressed and fixed for that product version. Requires LTSS - customers must have active LTSS (Long Term Security Shield) Support to receive up-to-date information about vulnerabilities that may affect legacy software. Please contact your Wind River account team or see and for more information.
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