Wind River Support Network


OVP-1692 : qemu: allow PACKAGECONFIG to be overwritten

Created: Feb 26, 2014    Updated: Mar 11, 2016
Resolved Date: Feb 27, 2014
Found In Version:
Fix Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux 5
Component/s: Userspace


We include a bbappend for qemu in OVP where we define PACKAGECONFIG. We use an immediate assignment which makes this value hard to overwrite (we need to rely on layer order). Since OVP is designed as a base layer it should use late conditional assignment to allow other layers to specify the desired PACKAGECONFIG.

Steps to Reproduce

Define a qemu_1.4.2.bbappend in a layer and ensure the layer comes before ovp in the bblayers.conf. In the bbappend define a PACKAGECONFIG which is altered from the one defined in layers/ovp. Configure qemu and examine the configure options used and you will note they are from the PACKAGECONFIG defined in layers/ovp and not your new layer.

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