Created: Sep 24, 2014
Updated: Nov 4, 2016
Resolved Date: Sep 30, 2014
Found In Version: Havana 2013.2 RCPL
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux 5
Component/s: OpenStack
While creating a patch to glanceclient I have bb.append file accordingly. Then added the proper information to increment the patch revision… when I did make –C build python-glanceclient I got the following error:
Loaded 4282 entries from dependency cache.
ERROR: Unable to analyse format of PR variable: 0 | ETA: --:--:--
ERROR: Error executing a python function in <code>:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
ERROR: The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:
ERROR: File "<code>", line 3, in <module>
ERROR: File "__anon_581__localdisk_loadbuild_schenard_workspace_current_layers_oe_core_meta_classes_base_bbclass", line 79, in __anon_581__localdisk_loadbuild_schenard_workspace_current_layers_oe_core_meta_classes_base_bbclass
ERROR: The code that was being executed was:
ERROR: 0001:__anon_27__localdisk_loadbuild_schenard_workspace_current_layers_wr_base_recipes_bsp_grub_grub_version_inc(d)
ERROR: 0002:__anon_119__localdisk_loadbuild_schenard_workspace_current_layers_oe_core_meta_classes_staging_bbclass(d)
ERROR: *** 0003:__anon_581__localdisk_loadbuild_schenard_workspace_current_layers_oe_core_meta_classes_base_bbclass(d)
ERROR: 0004:__anon_122__localdisk_loadbuild_schenard_workspace_current_layers_oe_core_meta_classes_siteinfo_bbclass(d)
ERROR: 0005:__anon_1535__localdisk_loadbuild_schenard_workspace_current_layers_wrlcompat_classes_wrlcompat_bbclass(d)
ERROR: 0006:__anon_67__localdisk_loadbuild_schenard_workspace_current_layers_oe_core_meta_classes_externalsrc_bbclass(d)
ERROR: 0007:__anon_20__localdisk_loadbuild_schenard_workspace_current_layers_oe_core_meta_classes_blacklist_bbclass(d)
ERROR: [From file: '<code>', lineno: 3, function: <module>]
ERROR: 0075: prval ="\d+",pr)
ERROR: 0076: if pr_prefix is None or prval is None:
ERROR: 0077: bb.error("Unable to analyse format of PR variable: %s" % pr)
ERROR: 0078: nval = int( + int(princ)
ERROR: *** 0079: pr = + str(nval) + pr[prval.end():]
ERROR: 0080: d.setVar('PR', pr)
ERROR: 0081:
ERROR: 0082: pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
ERROR: 0083: license = d.getVar('LICENSE', True)
ERROR: [From file: '__anon_581__localdisk_loadbuild_schenard_workspace_current_layers_oe_core_meta_classes_base_bbclass', lineno: 79, function: __anon_581__localdisk_loadbuild_schenard_workspace_current_layers_oe_core_meta_classes_base_bbclass]
ERROR: Failed to parse recipe: /localdisk/loadbuild/schenard/workspace/current/layers/meta-cloud-services/meta-openstack/recipes-devtools/python/
ERROR: Command execution failed: Exited with 1
It happen that the PR value in the ./meta-cloud-services/meta-openstack/recipes-devtools/python/ file is "0" instead of "r0"....
While waiting for this to be fixed in proper layer. I have hardcoded the PR value in the .bbappend file. The value will be removed when the fix will be provided.
hardcoding PR value in the CGCS layer .bbappend file