Wind River Support Network


LIN1024-3858 : Security Advisory - llvm - CVE-2024-45056

Created: Aug 29, 2024    Updated: Oct 24, 2024
Resolved Date: Oct 23, 2024
Found In Version:
Fix Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux LTS 24
Component/s: Userspace


zksolc is a Solidity compiler for ZKsync. All LLVM versions since 2015 fold `(xor (shl 1, x), -1)` to `(rotl ~1, x)` if run with optimizations enabled. Here `~1` is generated as an unsigned 64 bits number (`2^64-1`). This number is zero-extended to 256 bits on EraVM target while it should have been sign-extended. Thus instead of producing `roti 2^256 - 1, x` the compiler produces `rotl 2^64 - 1, x`. Analysis has shown that no contracts were affected by the date of publishing this advisory. This issue has been addressed in version 1.5.3. Users are advised to upgrade and redeploy all contracts. There are no known workarounds for this vulnerability.

CREATE(Triage):(User=admin) CVE-2024-45056 (


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