Wind River Support Network


LIN1023-1956 : Security Advisory - python-git - CVE-2023-41040

Created: Aug 30, 2023    Updated: Dec 12, 2023
Resolved Date: Nov 17, 2023
Found In Version:
Fix Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux LTS 23
Component/s: Userspace


 GitPython is a python library used to interact with Git repositories. In order to resolve some git references, GitPython reads files from the `.git` directory, in some places the name of the file being read is provided by the user, GitPython doesn't check if this file is located outside the `.git` directory. This allows an attacker to make GitPython read any file from the system. This vulnerability is present in That code joins the base directory with a user given string without checking if the final path is located outside the base directory. This vulnerability cannot be used to read the contents of files but could in theory be used to trigger a denial of service for the program. This issue has not yet been addressed.

CREATE(Triage):(User=admin) CVE-2023-41040 (


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