Wind River Support Network


LIN1021-9624 : unzip is not build correctly

Created: May 28, 2024    Updated: Jun 3, 2024
Resolved Date: Jun 3, 2024
Found In Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux LTS 21
Component/s: Build & Config


The unzip build is not properly cross compilation aware and does not detect environment correct. There are patches that fixes this in LTS24.

Specifically, unzip does not support large files, which causes unzip to fail unpacking big zip files.

When applying the lts24 patches, it works as expected.


 I replaced to whole SRC_URI list with the content from lts24.

The ones that have interesting contents are: [cid:372be0fd-f994-42a4-a5f1-0dd10989d035] (The unzip source version is same in both lts21 and lts24)


Steps to Reproduce

During the built it can be seen that large file support is not enabled:

{{Check for Large File Support}}
{{unix/configure: line 284: ./conftest: No such file or directory}}
{{-- no Large File Support - conftest returned 127}}
{{Check for wide char support}}
{{unix/configure: line 331: ./conftest: No such file or directory}}
{{-- no Unicode (wchar_t) support - conftest returned 127}}
{{Check for setlocale support (needed for UNICODE Native check)}}
{{-- have setlocale, can check for charset type}}
{{--  - enabling UTF8-native support!}}
{{Check for gcc no-builtin flag}}
{{Check for fchmod}}
{{Check for fchown}}
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