Created: Aug 18, 2021
Updated: Sep 25, 2021
Resolved Date: Aug 30, 2021
Found In Version:
Fix Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux LTS 21
Component/s: BSP
root@axxiaarm64:/opt/wr-test/testcases/bts/temp_sensors# sensors -v
sensors version 3.6.0 with libsensors version 3.6.0
root@axxiaarm64:/opt/wr-test/testcases/bts/temp_sensors# sensors -h
Usage: sensors [OPTION]... [CHIP]...
-c, --config-file Specify a config file
-h, --help Display this help text
-s, --set Execute `set' statements (root only)
-f, --fahrenheit Show temperatures in degrees fahrenheit
-A, --no-adapter Do not show adapter for each chip
--bus-list Generate bus statements for sensors.conf
-u Raw output
-j Json output
-v, --version Display the program version
Use `-' after `-c' to read the config file from stdin.
If no chips are specified, all chip info will be printed.
Example chip names:
lm78-i2c-0-2d *-i2c-0-2d
lm78-i2c-0-* *-i2c-0-*
lm78-i2c-*-2d *-i2c-*-2d
lm78-i2c-*-* *-i2c-*-*
lm78-isa-0290 *-isa-0290
lm78-isa-* *-isa-*
<<end prepare for case>>
<<clean subcase>>
<< [do_test1] start Show temperatures in degrees fahrenheit>>
root@axxiaarm64:/opt/wr-test/testcases/bts/temp_sensors# sensors -f
No sensors found!
Make sure you loaded all the kernel drivers you need.
Try sensors-detect to find out which these are.
To Get The Testing Layer:
# git clone ssh://
# cd wrlinux;git checkout WRLINUX_10_21_HEAD
Project Build:
--machines=axxiaarm64 --templates feature/docker feature/kexec feature/kdump --distro wrlinux --dl-layers
Build Steps:
. oe-init-build-env
Add BTS layer
bitbake-layers add-layer <path to wr-testing/bts-dev>
echo "require templates/feature/bts/template.conf" >> conf/local.conf
echo 'PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-yocto-rt"' >> conf/local.conf
build image:
# bitbake wrlinux-image-cgl