Wind River Support Network


LIN1019-7931 : Documentation of layers/nxp-imx8/README ambiguous and generates mistakes

Created: Feb 18, 2022    Updated: Dec 9, 2024
Resolved Date: Dec 11, 2023
Found In Version:
Fix Version:
Severity: Standard
Applicable for: Wind River Linux 9
Component/s: BSP, Product-Installation


An error when booting a WRL19 image in the board NXP iMX8QM:

Following the WRLinux LTS19 documentation does not produce a usable image.

I've attempted several targets and configurations with the WR nxp-imx8 BSP layer and I can't get it to boot.
I followed the instructions in "layers/nxp-imx8/README" to build an imx8 bootloader image from the NXP imx-manifest, and I've verified that the bootloader is good, loading it into a working WIC built from the imx-manifest.

Boot process always stops at:
Waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk1p2...
mmc0: Timeout waiting for hardware interrupt.
mmc0: sdhci: ============ SDHCI REGISTER DUMP ===========
mmc0: sdhci: Sys addr:  0x00000000 | Version:  0x00000002
mmc0: sdhci: Blk size:  0x00000200 | Blk cnt:  0x00000001
mmc0: sdhci: Argument:  0x00000000 | Trn mode: 0x00000013
mmc0: sdhci: Present:   0x01fd8a0a | Host ctl: 0x00000011
mmc0: sdhci: Power:     0x00000002 | Blk gap:  0x00000080
mmc0: sdhci: Wake-up:   0x00000008 | Clock:    0x000020ff
mmc0: sdhci: Timeout:   0x0000008f | Int stat: 0x00000000
mmc0: sdhci: Int enab:  0x117f100b | Sig enab: 0x117f100b
mmc0: sdhci: ACmd stat: 0x00000000 | Slot int: 0x00000502
mmc0: sdhci: Caps:      0x07eb0000 | Caps_1:   0x8000b407
mmc0: sdhci: Cmd:       0x0000083a | Max curr: 0x00ffffff
mmc0: sdhci: Resp0]:   0x00000900  ( Resp[1):  0xffc003ff
mmc0: sdhci: Resp2]:   0x328f5903  ( Resp[3):  0x00d07f01
mmc0: sdhci: Host ctl2: 0x00000000
mmc0: sdhci: ADMA Err:  0x00000009 | ADMA Ptr: 0xfffff200
mmc0: sdhci: ============================================
mmc0: error -110 whilst initialising MMC card
mmc1: Timeout waiting for hardware interrupt.
mmc1: sdhci: ============ SDHCI REGISTER DUMP ===========
mmc1: sdhci: Sys addr:  0x00000000 | Version:  0x00000002
mmc1: sdhci: Blk size:  0x00000008 | Blk cnt:  0x00000001
mmc1: sdhci: Argument:  0x00000000 | Trn mode: 0x00000013
mmc1: sdhci: Present:   0x01f88a0a | Host ctl: 0x00000011
mmc1: sdhci: Power:     0x00000002 | Blk gap:  0x00000080
mmc1: sdhci: Wake-up:   0x00000008 | Clock:    0x000010ff
mmc1: sdhci: Timeout:   0x0000008f | Int stat: 0x00000000
mmc1: sdhci: Int enab:  0x117f100b | Sig enab: 0x117f100b
mmc1: sdhci: ACmd stat: 0x00000000 | Slot int: 0x00000502
mmc1: sdhci: Caps:      0x07eb0000 | Caps_1:   0x8000b407
mmc1: sdhci: Cmd:       0x0000333a | Max curr: 0x00ffffff
mmc1: sdhci: Resp0]:   0x00000920  ( Resp[1):  0x03baff7f
mmc1: sdhci: Resp2]:   0x32db7900  ( Resp[3):  0x00400e00
mmc1: sdhci: Host ctl2: 0x00000008
mmc1: sdhci: ADMA Err:  0x00000009 | ADMA Ptr: 0xffffe208
mmc1: sdhci: ============================================
mmc1: error -110 whilst initialising SD card


I helped the customer by pointing them to use the MCIMX8QM-MEK board (*$machine = "imx8qmmek"*) when preparing the SDK. However, I understood why they had the mistake. It looks like the _*layers/nxp-imx8/README*_ file documentation is not generic. Specifically in this section:

2) Prepare the bootloader image imx-boot-<$machine>-sd.bin. User can build a SDK to obtain the bootloader by executing the commands as below:
$repo init -u [] -b imx-linux-warrior -m imx-4.19.35-1.1.0.xml
$repo sync
$DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=imx8mqevk source -b build-xwayland$bitbake imx-boot


Please fix the documentation to be more generic. It could be something like this (*use MACHINE=$machine instead of MACHINE=imx8mqevk*):

2) Prepare the bootloader image imx-boot-<$machine>-sd.bin. User can build   a SDK to obtain the bootloader by executing the commands as below:
$repo init -u -b imx-linux-warrior -m imx-4.19.35-1.1.0.xml
$repo sync
$DISTRO=fsl-imx-xwayland MACHINE=$machine source -b build-xwayland$bitbake imx-boot 
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