Executing "make -C build postgresql" enters an tcl configuration and python include error.
1. configuration
--enable-board=common_pc_64 --enable-kernel=cgl
--enable-rootfs=glibc_cgl --enable-jobs=5
--with-host-tools-dir=/folk/fgeng/work/source/wrlinux-2.0-head/wrlinux/host-tools-2.0 --with-toolchain-dir=/folk/fgeng/work/source/wrlinux-2.0-head/toolchain
2. Manually add the following packages to the pkglist file:unixODBC postgresql
3. make the postgresql depended packages, include krb5, unixODBC and so
on, tcl and python are ok.
4. make -C build postgresql
there are two problem in this step:
1. tclConfig.sh can't be found.
2. include directory for python isn't ok.