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HomeOther DownloadsAllycat3 BSP Official Release (WRLinux 4.3) - 10/15/2014
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Allycat3 BSP Official Release (WRLinux 4.3) - 10/15/2014

Released: Dec 2, 2014     Updated: Dec 4, 2014


1. Overview
In order to support Marvell MSYS AC3 board, the patches are created by comparing LK2.6.32.59 released by MV to WRlinux 4.3 kernel 0023) and tested with wrlinux4.3. In additioon, a new AC3 bsp layer for WRlinux 4.3 is also generated.

Supported features:
* AlleyCat3 A0 Internal Management System (MSYS)
* Dual core SMP PJ4B (Cortex-A9 Compatible) with HW cache coherency
* L1 Instruction & Data Cache
* L2 Architectural Cache
* Timers and Interrupts with Marvell MPIC
* Serial 8250 
* Out Of Band (OOB) Network support (with SFP converter).
* PCIe Gen 2.0 interface
* XOR offload engine
* NAND Falsh Controller (write error)
* SPI Flash Controller
* Prestera Driver (not tested)
* USB 2.0 Host Controller (EHCI)

2. Deliverables

linux-2.6.34-wr-standard-msys-rel.tar.bz2:   WR Linux kernel with patches applied.  The patches supporting MSYS AC3 that can be applied to wrlinux kernel

msys-ac3-layer-r3.tar.bz2: BSP layer used for building kernel/rootfs with wrlinux 4.3 development enviroment pre-built binaries for AC3 board
    - mv_msys_ac3-standard-glibc_small-dist.tar.bz2:WindRiver small root filesystem used for nfs, or creating UBIFS rootfs image for NAND flash or jffs2 rootfs image for SPI NOR flash
    - mv_msys_ac3-standard-glibc_std-dist.tar.bz2:  WindRiver standard root filesystem used for nfs or create ubi rootfs image.

Product Version

Wind River Linux 4


Installation Notes

Installation Notes

2. Build kernel and boot-UP with NFS
  follows the below steps to quickly build kernel
  2.1 export cross-compile toolchain path:
     #> export PATH=:$PATH
  2.2 unpack the kernel soruce
     #> tar xjvf  linux-2.6.34-wr-standard-msys-rel.tar.bz2
     #> cd  linux-2.6.34-wr-standard-msys-rel
  2.3 Config and build the kernel
     #> make O=  ARCH=arm msys_defconfig
    #> make CROSS_COMPILE= O= ARCH=arm uImage

  2.4 Setup nfs env on the  host and extract rootfs into nfs path via the follwoing command:
     #> tar xjvf mv_msys_ac3-standard-glibc_std-dist.tar.bz2 -C
  2.5 power-on the board and set uboot args
     #> set image_name uImage
     #> set netdev eth1
     #> set rootpath
     #> set serverip
     #> set ipaddr
     #> run nfsboot

3. Build with wrlinux 4.3(RCPL 0023)
    if wrlinux 4.3 have been intalled on the host, follow below steps to build:
   3.1 unpack the AC3 BSP layer package:
    #> tar xjvf msys-ac3-layer-r2.tar.bz2 -C

   3.2 create a AC3 board platform project for AC3 board:
    #> /wrlinux-4/wrlinux/configure \   
      --with-layer= \wrll-mv_msys_ac3 \
      --enable-board=mv_msys_ac3 \
       --enable-kernel=standard \
      --enable-rootfs=glibc_std     \

    or,if you'd like to build glibc_small filesystem, run following command:

    #> /wrlinux-4/wrlinux/configure \   
      --with-layer= \wrll-mv_msys_ac3 \
      --enable-board=mv_msys_ac3 \
       --enable-kernel=standard \
      --enable-rootfs=glibc_small+debug+demo \
   3.3 build kernel and filesystem
    #> make all

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