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HomeCVE Database

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project, maintained by the MITRE Corporation, is a list of all standardized names for vulnerabilities and security exposures.

of 225489 entries
IDDescriptionPriorityModified dateFixed Release
CVE-2019-13984 Directus 7 API before 2.3.0 does not validate uploaded files. Regardless of the file extension or MIME type, there is a direct link to each uploaded file, accessible by unauthenticated users, as demonstrated by the EICAR Anti-Virus Test File. MEDIUM Jul 22, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13983 Directus 7 API before 2.2.2 has insufficient anti-automation, as demonstrated by lack of a CAPTCHA in core/Directus/Services/AuthService.php and endpoints/Auth.php. MEDIUM Jul 22, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13982 interfaces/markdown/input.vue in Directus 7 Application before 7.7.0 does not sanitize Markdown text before rendering a preview. MEDIUM Jul 25, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13981 In Directus 7 API through 2.3.0, remote attackers can read image files via a direct request for a filename under the uploads/_/originals/ directory. This is related to a configuration option in which the file collection can be non-public, but this option does not apply to the thumbnailer. MEDIUM Jul 22, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13980 In Directus 7 API through 2.3.0, uploading of PHP files is blocked only when the Apache HTTP Server is used, leading to uploads/_/originals remote code execution with nginx. MEDIUM Jul 22, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13979 In Directus 7 API before 2.2.1, uploading of PHP files is not blocked, leading to uploads/_/originals remote code execution. MEDIUM Jul 22, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13978 Ovidentia 8.4.3 has SQL Injection via the id parameter in an index.php?tg=delegat&idx=mem request. MEDIUM Jul 27, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13977 index.php in Ovidentia 8.4.3 has XSS via tg=groups, tg=maildoms&idx=create&userid=0&bgrp=y, tg=delegat, tg=site&idx=create, tg=site&item=4, tg=admdir&idx=mdb&id=1, tg=notes&idx=Create, tg=admfaqs&idx=Add, or tg=admoc&idx=addoc&item=. LOW Jul 27, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13976 eGain Chat 15.0.3 allows unrestricted file upload. HIGH Sep 5, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13975 eGain Chat 15.0.3 allows HTML Injection. MEDIUM Sep 5, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13974 LayerBB 1.1.3 allows conversations.php/cmd/new CSRF. MEDIUM Jul 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13973 LayerBB 1.1.3 allows admin/general.php arbitrary file upload because the custom_logo filename suffix is not restricted, and .php may be used. HIGH Jul 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13972 LayerBB 1.1.3 allows XSS via the application/commands/new.php pm_title variable, a related issue to CVE-2019-17997. MEDIUM Jul 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13971 OTCMS 3.81 allows XSS via the mode parameter in an apiRun.php?mudi=autoRun request. MEDIUM Jul 22, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13970 In antSword before 2.1.0, self-XSS in the database configuration leads to code execution via modules/database/asp/index.js, modules/database/custom/index.js, modules/database/index.js, or modules/database/php/index.js. MEDIUM Jul 22, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13969 Metinfo 6.x allows SQL Injection via the id parameter in an admin/index.php?n=ui_set&m=admin&c=index&a=doget_text_content&table=lang&field=1 request. MEDIUM Jul 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13967 iTop 2.2.0 through 2.6.0 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application outage) via many requests to launch a compile operation. The requests use the pages/exec.php?exec_env=production&exec_module=itop-hub-connector&exec_page=ajax.php&operation=compile URI. This only affects the community version. MEDIUM Feb 14, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-13966 In iTop through 2.6.0, an XSS payload can be delivered in certain fields (such as icon) of the XML file used to build the dashboard. This is similar to CVE-2015-6544 (which is only about the dashboard title). MEDIUM Feb 14, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-13965 Because of a lack of sanitization around error messages, multiple Reflective XSS issues exist in iTop through 2.6.0 via the param_file parameter to webservices/export.php, webservices/cron.php, or env-production/itop-backup/backup.php. By default, any XSS sent to the administrator can be transformed to remote command execution because of CVE-2018-10642 (still working through 2.6.0) The Reflective XSS can also become a stored XSS within the same account because of another vulnerability. MEDIUM Feb 14, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-13962 lavc_CopyPicture in modules/codec/avcodec/video.c in VideoLAN VLC media player through 3.0.7 has a heap-based buffer over-read because it does not properly validate the width and height. High Jul 23, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13961 A CSRF vulnerability was found in flatCore before 1.5, leading to the upload of arbitrary .php files via acp/core/files.upload-script.php. -- Jul 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13960 In libjpeg-turbo 2.0.2, a large amount of memory can be used during processing of an invalid progressive JPEG image containing incorrect width and height values in the image header. NOTE: the vendor\'s expectation, for use cases in which this memory usage would be a denial of service, is that the application should interpret libjpeg warnings as fatal errors (aborting decompression) and/or set limits on resource consumption or image sizes MEDIUM Jul 31, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13959 In Bento4 1.5.1-627, AP4_DataBuffer::SetDataSize does not handle reallocation failures, leading to a memory copy into a NULL pointer. This is different from CVE-2018-20186. MEDIUM Jul 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13957 In Umbraco 7.3.8, there is SQL Injection in the backoffice/PageWApprove/PageWApproveApi/GetInpectSearch method via the nodeName parameter. HIGH Oct 4, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13956 Discuz!ML 3.2 through 3.4 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary PHP code via a modified language cookie, as demonstrated by changing 4gH4_0df5_language=en to 4gH4_0df5_language=en\'.phpinfo().\'; (if the random prefix 4gH4_0df5_ were used). HIGH Jul 31, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13955 Mikrotik RouterOS before 6.44.5 (long-term release tree) is vulnerable to stack exhaustion. By sending a crafted HTTP request, an authenticated remote attacker can crash the HTTP server via recursive parsing of JSON. Malicious code cannot be injected. MEDIUM Aug 7, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13954 Mikrotik RouterOS before 6.44.5 (long-term release tree) is vulnerable to memory exhaustion. By sending a crafted HTTP request, an authenticated remote attacker can crash the HTTP server and in some circumstances reboot the system. Malicious code cannot be injected. MEDIUM Aug 7, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13953 An exploitable authentication bypass vulnerability exists in the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) authentication module of YI M1 Mirrorless Camera V3.2-cn. An attacker can send a set of BLE commands to trigger this vulnerability, resulting in sensitive data leakage (e.g., personal photos). An attacker can also control the camera to record or take a picture after bypassing authentication. HIGH Sep 6, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13952 The set_ipv6() function in zscan_rfc1035.rl in gdnsd before 2.4.3 and 3.x before 3.2.1 has a stack-based buffer overflow via a long and malformed IPv6 address in zone data. HIGH Jul 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13951 The set_ipv4() function in zscan_rfc1035.rl in gdnsd 3.x before 3.2.1 has a stack-based buffer overflow via a long and malformed IPv4 address in zone data. HIGH Jul 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13950 index.php?c=admin&a=index in SyGuestBook A5 Version 1.2 has stored XSS via a reply to a comment. LOW Jul 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13949 SyGuestBook A5 Version 1.2 has no CSRF protection mechanism, as demonstrated by CSRF for an index.php?c=Administrator&a=update admin password change. MEDIUM Jul 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13948 SyGuestBook A5 Version 1.2 allows stored XSS because the isValidData function in include/functions.php does not properly block XSS payloads, as demonstrated by a crafted use of the onerror attribute of an IMG element. LOW Jul 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13947 A vulnerability has been identified in Control Center Server (CCS) (All versions < V1.5.0). The user configuration menu in the web interface of the Control Center Server (CCS) transfers user passwords in clear to the client (browser). An attacker with administrative privileges for the web interface could be able to read (and not only reset) passwords of other CCS users. MEDIUM Dec 12, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13946 Profinet-IO (PNIO) stack versions prior V06.00 do not properly limit internal resource allocation when multiple legitimate diagnostic package requests are sent to the DCE-RPC interface. This could lead to a denial of service condition due to lack of memory for devices that include a vulnerable version of the stack. The security vulnerability could be exploited by an attacker with network access to an affected device. Successful exploitation requires no system privileges and no user interaction. An attacker could use the vulnerability to compromise the availability of the device. HIGH Feb 11, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-13945 A vulnerability has been identified in SIMATIC S7-1200 CPU family (incl. SIPLUS variants) (All versions), SIMATIC S7-1200 CPU family < V4.x (incl. SIPLUS variants) (All versions), SIMATIC S7-1200 CPU family V4.x (incl. SIPLUS variants) (All versions with Function State (FS) < 11), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU CR20s (6ES7 288-1CR20-0AA1) (All versions <= V2.3.0 and Function State (FS) <= 3), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU CR30s (6ES7 288-1CR30-0AA1) (All versions <= V2.3.0 and Function State (FS) <= 3), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU CR40 (6ES7 288-1CR40-0AA0) (All versions <= V2.2.2 and Function State (FS) <= 8), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU CR40s (6ES7 288-1CR40-0AA1) (All versions <= V2.3.0 and Function State (FS) <= 3), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU CR60 (6ES7 288-1CR60-0AA0) (All versions <= V2.2.2 and Function State (FS) <= 10), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU CR60s (6ES7 288-1CR60-0AA1) (All versions <= V2.3.0 and Function State (FS) <= 3), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU SR20 (6ES7 288-1SR20-0AA0) (All versions <= V2.5.0 and Function State (FS) <= 11), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU SR30 (6ES7 288-1SR30-0AA0) (All versions <= V2.5.0 and Function State (FS) <= 10), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU SR40 (6ES7 288-1SR40-0AA0) (All versions <= V2.5.0 and Function State (FS) <= 10), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU SR60 (6ES7 288-1SR60-0AA0) (All versions <= V2.5.0 and Function State (FS) <= 12), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU ST20 (6ES7 288-1ST20-0AA0) (All versions <= V2.5.0 and Function State (FS) <= 9), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU ST30 (6ES7 288-1ST30-0AA0) (All versions <= V2.5.0 and Function State (FS) <= 9), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU ST40 (6ES7 288-1ST40-0AA0) (All versions <= V2.5.0 and Function State (FS) <= 8), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU ST60 (6ES7 288-1ST60-0AA0) (All versions <= V2.5.0 and Function State (FS) <= 8), SIMATIC S7-200 SMART CPU family (All versions). There is an access mode used during manufacturing of the affected devices that allows additional diagnostic functionality. The security vulnerability could be exploited by an attacker with physical access to the UART interface during boot process. MEDIUM Dec 12, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13944 A vulnerability has been identified in EN100 Ethernet module DNP3 variant (All versions), EN100 Ethernet module IEC 61850 variant (All versions < V4.37), EN100 Ethernet module IEC104 variant (All versions), EN100 Ethernet module Modbus TCP variant (All versions), EN100 Ethernet module PROFINET IO variant (All versions). A vulnerability in the integrated web server of the affected devices could allow unauthorized attackers to obtain sensitive information about the device, including logs and configurations. At the time of advisory publication no public exploitation of this security vulnerability was known. MEDIUM Dec 12, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13943 A vulnerability has been identified in EN100 Ethernet module DNP3 variant (All versions), EN100 Ethernet module IEC 61850 variant (All versions < V4.37), EN100 Ethernet module IEC104 variant (All versions), EN100 Ethernet module Modbus TCP variant (All versions), EN100 Ethernet module PROFINET IO variant (All versions). The web interface could allow Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks if an attacker is able to modify content of particular web pages, causing the application to behave in unexpected ways for legitimate users. Successful exploitation does not require for an attacker to be authenticated to the web interface. This could allow the attacker to read or modify contents of the web application. At the time of advisory publication no public exploitation of this security. vulnerability was known. MEDIUM Dec 12, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13942 A vulnerability has been identified in EN100 Ethernet module DNP3 variant (All versions), EN100 Ethernet module IEC 61850 variant (All versions < V4.37), EN100 Ethernet module IEC104 variant (All versions), EN100 Ethernet module Modbus TCP variant (All versions), EN100 Ethernet module PROFINET IO variant (All versions). An unauthorized user could exploit a buffer overflow vulnerability in the webserver. Specially crafted packets sent could cause a Denial-of-Service condition and if certain conditions are met, the affected devices must be restarted manually to fully recover. At the time of advisory publication no public exploitation of this security vulnerability was known. MEDIUM Dec 12, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13941 A vulnerability has been identified in OZW672 (All versions < V10.00), OZW772 (All versions < V10.00). Vulnerable versions of OZW Web Server use predictable path names for project files that legitimately authenticated users have created by using the application\'s export function. By accessing a specific uniform resource locator on the web server, a remote attacker could be able to download a project file without prior authentication. The security vulnerability could be exploited by an unauthenticated attacker with network access to the affected system. No user interaction is required to exploit this security vulnerability. Successful exploitation of the security vulnerability compromises the confidentiality of the targeted system. MEDIUM Feb 13, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-13940 A vulnerability has been identified in SIMATIC ET 200pro IM154-8 PN/DP CPU (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC ET 200pro IM154-8F PN/DP CPU (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC ET 200pro IM154-8FX PN/DP CPU (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC ET 200S IM151-8 PN/DP CPU (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC ET 200S IM151-8F PN/DP CPU (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC S7-1200 CPU family (incl. SIPLUS variants) (All versions < V4.1), SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 314C-2 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 315-2 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 315F-2 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 315T-3 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 317-2 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 317F-2 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 317T-3 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 317TF-3 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 319-3 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC S7-300 CPU 319F-3 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIMATIC S7-400 PN/DP V6 and below CPU family (incl. SIPLUS variants) (All versions), SIMATIC S7-400 PN/DP V7 CPU family (incl. SIPLUS variants) (All versions), SIMATIC WinAC RTX 2010 (All versions), SIMATIC WinAC RTX F 2010 (All versions), SIPLUS ET 200S IM151-8 PN/DP CPU (All versions < V3.X.17), SIPLUS ET 200S IM151-8F PN/DP CPU (All versions < V3.X.17), SIPLUS S7-300 CPU 314C-2 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIPLUS S7-300 CPU 315-2 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIPLUS S7-300 CPU 315F-2 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIPLUS S7-300 CPU 317-2 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17), SIPLUS S7-300 CPU 317F-2 PN/DP (All versions < V3.X.17). Affected devices contain a vulnerability that could cause a denial of service condition of the web server by sending specially crafted HTTP requests to ports 80/tcp and 443/tcp. Beyond the web service, no other functions or interfaces are affected by the denial of service condition. MEDIUM Feb 13, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-13939 A vulnerability has been identified in Capital Embedded AR Classic 431-422 (All versions), Capital Embedded AR Classic R20-11 (All versions < V2303), Nucleus NET (All versions), Nucleus ReadyStart V3 (All versions < V2017.02.3), Nucleus Source Code (All versions). By sending specially crafted DHCP packets to a device where the DHCP client is enabled, an attacker could change the IP address of the device to an invalid value. MEDIUM Jan 16, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-13936 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (\'Cross-site Scripting\') vulnerability in webclient of Siemens AG Polarion could allow an attacker to exploit a persistent XSS vulnerability. This issue affects: Siemens AG Polarion All versions < 19.2. LOW Nov 27, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13935 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (\'Cross-site Scripting\') vulnerability in webclient of Siemens AG Polarion could allow an attacker to exploit a reflected XSS vulnerability. This issue affects: Siemens AG Polarion All versions < 19.2. LOW Nov 27, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13934 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (\'Cross-site Scripting\') vulnerability in webclient of Siemens AG Polarion could allow an attacker to exploit a reflected XSS vulnerability. This issue affects: Siemens AG Polarion All versions < 19.2. LOW Nov 27, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13933 A vulnerability has been identified in SCALANCE X204RNA (HSR), SCALANCE X204RNA (PRP), SCALANCE X204RNA EEC (HSR), SCALANCE X204RNA EEC (PRP), SCALANCE X204RNA EEC (PRP/HSR), SCALANCE X302-7 EEC (230V), SCALANCE X302-7 EEC (230V, coated), SCALANCE X302-7 EEC (24V), SCALANCE X302-7 EEC (24V, coated), SCALANCE X302-7 EEC (2x 230V), SCALANCE X302-7 EEC (2x 230V, coated), SCALANCE X302-7 EEC (2x 24V), SCALANCE X302-7 EEC (2x 24V, coated), SCALANCE X304-2FE, SCALANCE X306-1LD FE, SCALANCE X307-2 EEC (230V), SCALANCE X307-2 EEC (230V, coated), SCALANCE X307-2 EEC (24V), SCALANCE X307-2 EEC (24V, coated), SCALANCE X307-2 EEC (2x 230V), SCALANCE X307-2 EEC (2x 230V, coated), SCALANCE X307-2 EEC (2x 24V), SCALANCE X307-2 EEC (2x 24V, coated), SCALANCE X307-3, SCALANCE X307-3, SCALANCE X307-3LD, SCALANCE X307-3LD, SCALANCE X308-2, SCALANCE X308-2, SCALANCE X308-2LD, SCALANCE X308-2LD, SCALANCE X308-2LH, SCALANCE X308-2LH, SCALANCE X308-2LH+, SCALANCE X308-2LH+, SCALANCE X308-2M, SCALANCE X308-2M, SCALANCE X308-2M PoE, SCALANCE X308-2M PoE, SCALANCE X308-2M TS, SCALANCE X308-2M TS, SCALANCE X310, SCALANCE X310, SCALANCE X310FE, SCALANCE X310FE, SCALANCE X320-1 FE, SCALANCE X320-1-2LD FE, SCALANCE X408-2, SCALANCE XR324-12M (230V, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-12M (230V, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-12M (230V, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-12M (230V, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-12M (24V, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-12M (24V, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-12M (24V, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-12M (24V, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-12M TS (24V), SCALANCE XR324-12M TS (24V), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (100-240VAC/60-250VDC, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (100-240VAC/60-250VDC, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (100-240VAC/60-250VDC, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (100-240VAC/60-250VDC, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (24V, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (24V, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (24V, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (24V, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (2x 100-240VAC/60-250VDC, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (2x 100-240VAC/60-250VDC, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (2x 100-240VAC/60-250VDC, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (2x 100-240VAC/60-250VDC, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (2x 24V, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (2x 24V, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (2x 24V, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-4M EEC (2x 24V, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-4M PoE (230V, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-4M PoE (230V, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-4M PoE (24V, ports on front), SCALANCE XR324-4M PoE (24V, ports on rear), SCALANCE XR324-4M PoE TS (24V, ports on front), SIPLUS NET SCALANCE X308-2. Affected devices contain a vulnerability that allows an unauthenticated attacker to violate access-control rules. The vulnerability can be triggered by sending GET request to specific uniform resource locator on the web configuration interface of the device. The security vulnerability could be exploited by an attacker with network access to the affected systems. An attacker could use the vulnerability to obtain sensitive information or change the device configuration. At the time of advisory publication no public exploitation of this security vulnerability was known. HIGH Jan 16, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-13932 A vulnerability has been identified in XHQ (All versions < V6.0.0.2). The web application requests could be manipulated, causing the the application to behave in unexpected ways for legitimate users. Successful exploitation does not require for an attacker to be authenticated. A successful attack could allow the import of scripts or generation of malicious links. This could allow the attacker to read or modify contents of the web application. At the time of advisory publication no public exploitation of this security vulnerability was known. MEDIUM Dec 12, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13931 A vulnerability has been identified in XHQ (All versions < V6.0.0.2). The web interface could allow for an an attacker to craft the input in a form that is not expected, causing the application to behave in unexpected ways for legitimate users. Successful exploitation requires for an attacker to be authenticated to the web interface. A successful attack could cause the application to have unexpected behavior. This could allow the attacker to modify contents of the web application. At the time of advisory publication no public exploitation of this security vulnerability was known. LOW Dec 12, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13930 A vulnerability has been identified in XHQ (All versions < V6.0.0.2). The web interface could allow a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack if an unsuspecting user is tricked into accessing a malicious link. Successful exploitation requires user interaction by a legitimate user, who must be authenticated to the web interface. A successful attack could allow an attacker to trigger actions via the web interface that the legitimate user is allowed to perform. This could allow the attacker to read or modify contents of the web application. At the time of advisory publication no public exploitation of this security vulnerability was known. MEDIUM Dec 12, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-13929 A vulnerability has been identified in SIMATIC IT UADM (All versions < V1.3). An authenticated remote attacker with network access to port 1434/tcp of SIMATIC IT UADM could potentially recover a password that can be used to gain read and write access to the related TeamCenter station. The security vulnerability could be exploited only if the attacker is authenticated. No user interaction is required to exploit this security vulnerability. Successful exploitation of the security vulnerability compromises the confidentiality of the targeted system. At the time of advisory publication no public exploitation of this security vulnerability was known. MEDIUM Oct 15, 2019 n/a
The 'Fixed Release' column is displayed if a single product version is selected from the filter. The fixed release is applicable in cases when the CVE has been addressed and fixed for that product version. Requires LTSS - customers must have active LTSS (Long Term Security Shield) Support to receive up-to-date information about vulnerabilities that may affect legacy software. Please contact your Wind River account team or see and for more information.
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