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The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project, maintained by the MITRE Corporation, is a list of all standardized names for vulnerabilities and security exposures.

of 173467 entries
IDDescriptionPriorityModified dateFixed Release
CVE-2024-24549 Denial of Service due to improper input validation vulnerability for HTTP/2 requests in Apache Tomcat. When processing an HTTP/2 request, if the request exceeded any of the configured limits for headers, the associated HTTP/2 stream was not reset until after all of the headers had been processed.This issue affects Apache Tomcat: from 11.0.0-M1 through 11.0.0-M16, from 10.1.0-M1 through 10.1.18, from 9.0.0-M1 through 9.0.85, from 8.5.0 through 8.5.98. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 11.0.0-M17, 10.1.19, 9.0.86 or 8.5.99 which fix the issue. -- Mar 13, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24556 urql is a GraphQL client that exposes a set of helpers for several frameworks. The `@urql/next` package is vulnerable to XSS. To exploit this an attacker would need to ensure that the response returns `html` tags and that the web-application is using streamed responses (non-RSC). This vulnerability is due to improper escaping of html-like characters in the response-stream. To fix this vulnerability upgrade to version 1.1.1 -- Jan 30, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24557 Moby is an open-source project created by Docker to enable software containerization. The classic builder cache system is prone to cache poisoning if the image is built FROM scratch. Also, changes to some instructions (most important being HEALTHCHECK and ONBUILD) would not cause a cache miss. An attacker with the knowledge of the Dockerfile someone is using could poison their cache by making them pull a specially crafted image that would be considered as a valid cache candidate for some build steps. 23.0+ users are only affected if they explicitly opted out of Buildkit (DOCKER_BUILDKIT=0 environment variable) or are using the /build API endpoint. All users on versions older than 23.0 could be impacted. Image build API endpoint (/build) and ImageBuild function from is also affected as it the uses classic builder by default. Patches are included in 24.0.9 and 25.0.2 releases. -- Feb 1, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24558 TanStack Query supplies asynchronous state management, server-state utilities and data fetching for the web. The `@tanstack/react-query-next-experimental` NPM package is vulnerable to a cross-site scripting vulnerability. To exploit this, an attacker would need to either inject malicious input or arrange to have malicious input be returned from an endpoint. To fix this issue, please update to version 5.18.0 or later. -- Jan 30, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24559 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the EVM. There is an error in the stack management when compiling the `IR` for `sha3_64`. Concretely, the `height` variable is miscalculated. The vulnerability can\'t be triggered without writing the `IR` by hand (that is, it cannot be triggered from regular vyper code). `sha3_64` is used for retrieval in mappings. No flow that would cache the `key` was found so the issue shouldn\'t be possible to trigger when compiling the compiler-generated `IR`. This issue isn\'t triggered during normal compilation of vyper code so the impact is low. At the time of publication there is no patch available. -- Feb 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24560 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine. When calls to external contracts are made, we write the input buffer starting at byte 28, and allocate the return buffer to start at byte 0 (overlapping with the input buffer). When checking RETURNDATASIZE for dynamic types, the size is compared only to the minimum allowed size for that type, and not to the returned value\'s length. As a result, malformed return data can cause the contract to mistake data from the input buffer for returndata. When the called contract returns invalid ABIv2 encoded data, the calling contract can read different invalid data (from the dirty buffer) than the called contract returned. -- Feb 2, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24561 Vyper is a pythonic Smart Contract Language for the ethereum virtual machine. In versions 0.3.10 and earlier, the bounds check for slices does not account for the ability for start + length to overflow when the values aren\'t literals. If a slice() function uses a non-literal argument for the start or length variable, this creates the ability for an attacker to overflow the bounds check. This issue can be used to do OOB access to storage, memory or calldata addresses. It can also be used to corrupt the length slot of the respective array. -- Feb 1, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24562 vantage6-UI is the official user interface for the vantage6 server. In affected versions a number of security headers are not set. This issue has been addressed in commit `68dfa6614` which is expected to be included in future releases. Users are advised to upgrade when a new release is made. While an upgrade path is not available users may modify the docker image build to insert the headers into nginx. -- Mar 14, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24563 Vyper is a Pythonic Smart Contract Language for the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Arrays can be keyed by a signed integer, while they are defined for unsigned integers only. The typechecker doesn\'t throw when spotting the usage of an `int` as an index for an array. The typechecker allows the usage of signed integers to be used as indexes to arrays. The vulnerability is present in different forms in all versions, including `0.3.10`. For ints, the 2\'s complement representation is used. Because the array was declared very large, the bounds checking will pass Negative values will simply be represented as very large numbers. As of time of publication, a fixed version does not exist. There are three potential vulnerability classes: unpredictable behavior, accessing inaccessible elements and denial of service. Class 1: If it is possible to index an array with a negative integer without reverting, this is most likely not anticipated by the developer and such accesses can cause unpredictable behavior for the contract. Class 2: If a contract has an invariant in the form `assert index < x`, the developer will suppose that no elements on indexes `y | y >= x` are accessible. However, by using negative indexes, this can be bypassed. Class 3: If the index is dependent on the state of the contract, this poses a risk of denial of service. If the state of the contract can be manipulated in such way that the index will be forced to be negative, the array access can always revert (because most likely the array won\'t be declared extremely large). However, all these the scenarios are highly unlikely. Most likely behavior is a revert on the bounds check. -- Feb 7, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24564 Vyper is a pythonic Smart Contract Language for the ethereum virtual machine. When using the built-in `extract32(b, start)`, if the `start` index provided has for side effect to update `b`, the byte array to extract `32` bytes from, it could be that some dirty memory is read and returned by `extract32`. This vulnerability affects 0.3.10 and earlier versions. -- Feb 26, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24565 CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of data in real-time. There is a COPY FROM function in the CrateDB database that is used to import file data into database tables. This function has a flaw, and authenticated attackers can use the COPY FROM function to import arbitrary file content into database tables, resulting in information leakage. This vulnerability is patched in 5.3.9, 5.4.8, 5.5.4, and 5.6.1. -- Jan 30, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24566 Lobe Chat is a chatbot framework that supports speech synthesis, multimodal, and extensible Function Call plugin system. When the application is password-protected (deployed with the `ACCESS_CODE` option), it is possible to access plugins without proper authorization (without password). This vulnerability is patched in 0.122.4. -- Jan 31, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24567 Vyper is a pythonic Smart Contract Language for the ethereum virtual machine. Vyper compiler allows passing a value in builtin raw_call even if the call is a delegatecall or a staticcall. But in the context of delegatecall and staticcall the handling of value is not possible due to the semantics of the respective opcodes, and vyper will silently ignore the value= argument. If the semantics of the EVM are unknown to the developer, he could suspect that by specifying the `value` kwarg, exactly the given amount will be sent along to the target. This vulnerability affects 0.3.10 and earlier versions. -- Jan 30, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24568 Suricata is a network Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System and Network Security Monitoring engine. Prior to 7.0.3, the rules inspecting HTTP2 headers can get bypassed by crafted traffic. The vulnerability has been patched in 7.0.3. -- Feb 9, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24569 The Pixee Java Code Security Toolkit is a set of security APIs meant to help secure Java code. `ZipSecurity#isBelowCurrentDirectory` is vulnerable to a partial-path traversal bypass. To be vulnerable to the bypass, the application must use toolkit version <=1.1.1, use ZipSecurity as a guard against path traversal, and have an exploit path. Although the control still protects attackers from escaping the application path into higher level directories (e.g., /etc/), it will allow escaping into sibling paths. For example, if your running path is /my/app/path you an attacker could navigate into /my/app/path-something-else. This vulnerability is patched in 1.1.2. -- Feb 1, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24570 Statamic is a Laravel and Git powered CMS. HTML files crafted to look like jpg files are able to be uploaded, allowing for XSS. This affects the front-end forms with asset fields without any mime type validation, asset fields in the control panel, and asset browser in the control panel. Additionally, if the XSS is crafted in a specific way, the copy password reset link feature may be exploited to gain access to a user\'s password reset token and gain access to their account. The authorized user is required to execute the XSS in order for the vulnerability to occur. In versions 4.46.0 and 3.4.17, the XSS vulnerability has been patched, and the copy password reset link functionality has been disabled. -- Feb 1, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24571 facileManager is a modular suite of web apps built with the sysadmin in mind. For the facileManager web application versions 4.5.0 and earlier, we have found that XSS was present in almost all of the input fields as there is insufficient input validation. -- Feb 1, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24572 facileManager is a modular suite of web apps built with the sysadmin in mind. In versions 4.5.0 and earlier, the $_REQUEST global array was unsafely called inside an extract() function in admin-logs.php. The PHP file fm-init.php prevents arbitrary manipulation of $_SESSION via the GET/POST parameters. However, it does not prevent manipulation of any other sensitive variables such as $search_sql. Knowing this, an authenticated user with privileges to view site logs can manipulate the search_sql variable by appending a GET parameter search_sql in the URL. The information above means that the checks and SQL injection prevention attempts were rendered unusable. -- Feb 1, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24573 facileManager is a modular suite of web apps built with the sysadmin in mind. In versions 4.5.0 and earlier, when a user updates their profile, a POST request containing user information is sent to the endpoint server/fm-modules/facileManager/ajax/processPost.php. It was found that non-admins can arbitrarily set their permissions and grant their non-admin accounts with super user privileges. -- Feb 1, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24574 phpMyFAQ is an open source FAQ web application for PHP 8.1+ and MySQL, PostgreSQL and other databases. Unsafe echo of filename in phpMyFAQ\\phpmyfaq\\admin\\attachments.php leads to allowed execution of JavaScript code in client side (XSS). This vulnerability has been patched in version 3.2.5. -- Feb 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24575 libgit2 is a portable C implementation of the Git core methods provided as a linkable library with a solid API, allowing to build Git functionality into your application. Using well-crafted inputs to `git_revparse_single` can cause the function to enter an infinite loop, potentially causing a Denial of Service attack in the calling application. The revparse function in `src/libgit2/revparse.c` uses a loop to parse the user-provided spec string. There is an edge-case during parsing that allows a bad actor to force the loop conditions to access arbitrary memory. Potentially, this could also leak memory if the extracted rev spec is reflected back to the attacker. As such, libgit2 versions before 1.4.0 are not affected. Users should upgrade to version 1.6.5 or 1.7.2. -- Feb 7, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24576 Rust is a programming language. The Rust Security Response WG was notified that the Rust standard library prior to version 1.77.2 did not properly escape arguments when invoking batch files (with the `bat` and `cmd` extensions) on Windows using the `Command`. An attacker able to control the arguments passed to the spawned process could execute arbitrary shell commands by bypassing the escaping. The severity of this vulnerability is critical for those who invoke batch files on Windows with untrusted arguments. No other platform or use is affected. The `Command::arg` and `Command::args` APIs state in their documentation that the arguments will be passed to the spawned process as-is, regardless of the content of the arguments, and will not be evaluated by a shell. This means it should be safe to pass untrusted input as an argument. On Windows, the implementation of this is more complex than other platforms, because the Windows API only provides a single string containing all the arguments to the spawned process, and it\'s up to the spawned process to split them. Most programs use the standard C run-time argv, which in practice results in a mostly consistent way arguments are splitted. One exception though is `cmd.exe` (used among other things to execute batch files), which has its own argument splitting logic. That forces the standard library to implement custom escaping for arguments passed to batch files. Unfortunately it was reported that our escaping logic was not thorough enough, and it was possible to pass malicious arguments that would result in arbitrary shell execution. Due to the complexity of `cmd.exe`, we didn\'t identify a solution that would correctly escape arguments in all cases. To maintain our API guarantees, we improved the robustness of the escaping code, and changed the `Command` API to return an `InvalidInput` error when it cannot safely escape an argument. This error will be emitted when spawning the process. The fix is included in Rust 1.77.2. Note that the new escaping logic for batch files errs on the conservative side, and could reject valid arguments. Those who implement the escaping themselves or only handle trusted inputs on Windows can also use the `CommandExt::raw_arg` method to bypass the standard library\'s escaping logic. LOW Apr 9, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24577 libgit2 is a portable C implementation of the Git core methods provided as a linkable library with a solid API, allowing to build Git functionality into your application. Using well-crafted inputs to `git_index_add` can cause heap corruption that could be leveraged for arbitrary code execution. There is an issue in the `has_dir_name` function in `src/libgit2/index.c`, which frees an entry that should not be freed. The freed entry is later used and overwritten with potentially bad actor-controlled data leading to controlled heap corruption. Depending on the application that uses libgit2, this could lead to arbitrary code execution. This issue has been patched in version 1.6.5 and 1.7.2. -- Feb 7, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24578 RaspberryMatic is an open-source operating system for HomeMatic internet-of-things devices. RaspberryMatic / OCCU prior to version contains a unauthenticated remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability, caused by multiple issues within the Java based `HMIPServer.jar` component. RaspberryMatric includes a Java based `HMIPServer`, that can be accessed through URLs starting with `/pages/jpages`. The `FirmwareController` class does however not perform any session id checks, thus this feature can be accessed without a valid session. Due to this issue, attackers can gain remote code execution as root user, allowing a full system compromise. Version contains a patch. -- Mar 19, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24579 stereoscope is a go library for processing container images and simulating a squash filesystem. Prior to version 0.0.1, it is possible to craft an OCI tar archive that, when stereoscope attempts to unarchive the contents, will result in writing to paths outside of the unarchive temporary directory. Specifically, use of `` function, the `` struct, or the higher level `` function express this vulnerability. As a workaround, if you are using the OCI archive as input into stereoscope then you can switch to using an OCI layout by unarchiving the tar archive and provide the unarchived directory to stereoscope. -- Jan 31, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24581 in OpenHarmony v4.0.0 and prior versions allow a local attacker arbitrary code execution through out-of-bounds write. -- Apr 2, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24583 Multiple out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities exist in the readMSH functionality of libigl v2.5.0. A specially crafted .msh file can lead to an out-of-bounds read. An attacker can provide a malicious file to trigger this vulnerability.This vulnerabilitty concerns the`readMSH` function while processing `MshLoader::ELEMENT_TRI` elements. -- May 28, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24584 Multiple out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities exist in the readMSH functionality of libigl v2.5.0. A specially crafted .msh file can lead to an out-of-bounds read. An attacker can provide a malicious file to trigger this vulnerability.This vulnerabilitty concerns the`readMSH` function while processing `MshLoader::ELEMENT_TET` elements. -- May 28, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24590 Deserialization of untrusted data can occur in versions 0.17.0 to 1.14.2 of the client SDK of Allegro AI’s ClearML platform, enabling a maliciously uploaded artifact to run arbitrary code on an end user’s system when interacted with. -- Feb 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24591 A path traversal vulnerability in versions 1.4.0 to 1.14.1 of the client SDK of Allegro AI’s ClearML platform enables a maliciously uploaded dataset to write local or remote files to an arbitrary location on an end user’s system when interacted with. -- Feb 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24592 Lack of authentication in all versions of the fileserver component of Allegro AI’s ClearML platform allows a remote attacker to arbitrarily access, create, modify and delete files. -- Feb 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24593 A cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in all versions up to 1.14.1 of the api server component of Allegro AI’s ClearML platform allows a remote attacker to impersonate a user by sending API requests via maliciously crafted html. Exploitation of the vulnerability allows an attacker to compromise confidential workspaces and files, leak sensitive information, and target instances of the ClearML platform within closed off networks. -- Feb 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24594 A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in all versions of the web server component of Allegro AI’s ClearML platform allows a remote attacker to execute a JavaScript payload when a user views the Debug Samples tab in the web UI. -- Feb 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24595 Allegro AI’s open-source version of ClearML stores passwords in plaintext within the MongoDB instance, resulting in a compromised server leaking all user emails and passwords. -- Feb 6, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24680 An issue was discovered in Django 3.2 before 3.2.24, 4.2 before 4.2.10, and Django 5.0 before 5.0.2. The intcomma template filter was subject to a potential denial-of-service attack when used with very long strings. -- Feb 7, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24681 An issue was discovered in Yealink Configuration Encrypt Tool (AES version) and Yealink Configuration Encrypt Tool (RSA version before 1.2). There is a single hardcoded key (used to encrypt provisioning documents) across customers\' installations. -- Feb 26, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24683 Improper Input Validation vulnerability in Apache Hop Engine.This issue affects Apache Hop Engine: before 2.8.0. Users are recommended to upgrade to version 2.8.0, which fixes the issue. When Hop Server writes links to the PrepareExecutionPipelineServlet page one of the parameters provided to the user was not properly escaped. The variable not properly escaped is the id, which is not directly accessible by users creating pipelines making the risk of exploiting this low. This issue only affects users using the Hop Server component and does not directly affect the client. -- Mar 19, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24684 Multiple stack-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities exist in the readOFF functionality of libigl v2.5.0. A specially crafted .off file can lead to stack-based buffer overflow. An attacker can provide a malicious file to trigger this vulnerability.This vulnerability concerns the header parsing occuring while processing an `.off` file via the `readOFF` function. We can see above that at [0] a stack-based buffer called `comment` is defined with an hardcoded size of `1000 bytes`. The call to `fscanf` at [1] is unsafe and if the first line of the header of the `.off` files is longer than 1000 bytes it will overflow the `header` buffer. -- May 28, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24685 Multiple stack-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities exist in the readOFF functionality of libigl v2.5.0. A specially crafted .off file can lead to stack-based buffer overflow. An attacker can provide a malicious file to trigger this vulnerability.This vulnerability concerns the parsing of comments within the vertex section of an `.off` file processed via the `readOFF` function. -- May 28, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24686 Multiple stack-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities exist in the readOFF functionality of libigl v2.5.0. A specially crafted .off file can lead to stack-based buffer overflow. An attacker can provide a malicious file to trigger this vulnerability.This vulnerability concerns the parsing of comments within the faces section of an `.off` file processed via the `readOFF` function. -- May 28, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24690 Improper input validation in some Zoom clients may allow an authenticated user to conduct a denial of service via network access. -- Feb 14, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24691 Improper input validation in Zoom Desktop Client for Windows, Zoom VDI Client for Windows, and Zoom Meeting SDK for Windows may allow an unauthenticated user to conduct an escalation of privilege via network access. -- Feb 14, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24692 Race condition in the installer for Zoom Rooms Client for Windows before version 5.17.5 may allow an authenticated user to conduct a denial of service via local access. -- Mar 14, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24693 Improper access control in the installer for Zoom Rooms Client for Windows before version 5.17.5 may allow an authenticated user to conduct a denial of service via local access. -- Mar 14, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24694 Improper privilege management in the installer for Zoom Desktop Client for Windows before version 5.17.10 may allow an authenticated user to conduct an escalation of privilege via local access. -- Apr 9, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24695 Improper input validation in Zoom Desktop Client for Windows, Zoom VDI Client for Windows, and Zoom Meeting SDK for Windows may allow an authenticated user to conduct a disclosure of information via network access. -- Feb 14, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24696 Improper input validation in Zoom Desktop Client for Windows, Zoom VDI Client for Windows, and Zoom Meeting SDK for Windows may allow an authenticated user to conduct a disclosure of information via network access. -- Feb 14, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24697 Untrusted search path in some Zoom 32 bit Windows clients may allow an authenticated user to conduct an escalation of privilege via local access. -- Feb 14, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24698 Improper authentication in some Zoom clients may allow a privileged user to conduct a disclosure of information via local access. -- Feb 14, 2024 n/a
CVE-2024-24699 Business logic error in some Zoom clients may allow an authenticated user to conduct information disclosure via network access. -- Feb 14, 2024 n/a
The 'Fixed Release' column is displayed if a single product version is selected from the filter. The fixed release is applicable in cases when the CVE has been addressed and fixed for that product version. Requires LTSS - customers must have active LTSS (Long Term Security Shield) Support to receive up-to-date information about vulnerabilities that may affect legacy software. Please contact your Wind River account team or see and for more information.
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