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HomeCVE Database

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project, maintained by the MITRE Corporation, is a list of all standardized names for vulnerabilities and security exposures.

of 225489 entries
IDDescriptionPriorityModified dateFixed Release
CVE-2019-16755 BMC Remedy ITSM Suite is prone to unspecified vulnerabilities in both DWP and SmartIT components, which can permit remote attackers to perform pre-authenticated remote commands execution on the Operating System running the targeted application. Affected DWP versions: versions: 3.x to 18.x, all versions, service packs, and patches are affected by this vulnerability. Affected SmartIT versions: 1.x, 2.0, 18.05, 18.08, and 19.02, all versions, service packs, and patches are affected by this vulnerability. HIGH Oct 2, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16758 In Lexmark Services Monitor (running on TCP port 2070), a remote attacker can use a directory traversal technique using /../../../ or ..%2F..%2F..%2F to obtain local files on the host operating system. MEDIUM Nov 21, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16759 vBulletin 5.x through 5.5.4 allows remote command execution via the widgetConfig[code] parameter in an ajax/render/widget_php routestring request. HIGH Sep 26, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16760 Cargo prior to Rust 1.26.0 may download the wrong dependency if your package.toml file uses the `package` configuration key. Usage of the `package` key to rename dependencies in `Cargo.toml` is ignored in Rust 1.25.0 and prior. When Rust 1.25.0 and prior is used Cargo may download the wrong dependency, which could be squatted on to be a malicious package. This not only affects manifests that you write locally yourself, but also manifests published to Rust 1.0.0 through Rust 1.25.0 is affected by this advisory because Cargo will ignore the `package` key in manifests. Rust 1.26.0 through Rust 1.30.0 are not affected and typically will emit an error because the `package` key is unstable. Rust 1.31.0 and after are not affected because Cargo understands the `package` key. Users of the affected versions are strongly encouraged to update their compiler to the latest available one. Preventing this issue from happening requires updating your compiler to be either Rust 1.26.0 or newer. There will be no point release for Rust versions prior to 1.26.0. Users of Rust 1.19.0 to Rust 1.25.0 can instead apply linked patches to mitigate the issue. MEDIUM Oct 8, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16761 A specially crafted Bitcoin script can cause a discrepancy between the specified SLP consensus rules and the validation result of the slp-validate@1.0.0 npm package. An attacker could create a specially crafted Bitcoin script in order to cause a hard-fork from the SLP consensus. All versions >1.0.0 have been patched. MEDIUM Nov 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16762 A specially crafted Bitcoin script can cause a discrepancy between the specified SLP consensus rules and the validation result of the slpjs npm package. An attacker could create a specially crafted Bitcoin script in order to cause a hard-fork from the SLP consensus. Affected users can upgrade to any version >= 0.21.4. MEDIUM Nov 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16763 In Pannellum from 2.5.0 through 2.5.4 URLs were not sanitized for data URIs (or vbscript:), allowing for potential XSS attacks. Such an attack would require a user to click on a hot spot to execute and would require an attacker-provided configuration. The most plausible potential attack would be if pannellum.htm was hosted on a domain that shared cookies with the targeted site\'s user authentication; an <iframe> could then be embedded on the attacker\'s site using pannellum.htm from the targeted site, which would allow the attacker to potentially access information from the targeted site as the authenticated user (or worse if the targeted site did not have adequate CSRF protections) if the user clicked on a hot spot in the attacker\'s embedded panorama viewer. This was patched in version 2.5.5. MEDIUM Nov 22, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16764 The use of `String.to_atom/1` in PowAssent is susceptible to denial of service attacks. In `PowAssent.Phoenix.AuthorizationController` a value is fetched from the user provided params, and `String.to_atom/1` is used to convert the binary value to an atom so it can be used to fetch the provider configuration value. This is unsafe as it is user provided data, and can be used to fill up the whole atom table of ~1M which will cause the app to crash. LOW Nov 25, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16765 If an attacker can get a user to open a specially prepared directory tree as a workspace in Visual Studio Code with the CodeQL extension active, arbitrary code of the attacker\'s choosing may be executed on the user\'s behalf. This is fixed in version 1.0.1 of the extension. Users should upgrade to this version using Visual Studio Code Marketplace\'s upgrade mechanism. After upgrading, the codeQL.cli.executablePath setting can only be set in the per-user settings, and not in the per-workspace settings. More information about VS Code settings can be found here. MEDIUM Nov 25, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16766 When using wagtail-2fa before 1.3.0, if someone gains access to someone\'s Wagtail login credentials, they can log into the CMS and bypass the 2FA check by changing the URL. They can then add a new device and gain full access to the CMS. This problem has been patched in version 1.3.0. MEDIUM Dec 13, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16767 The admin sys mode is now conditional and dedicated for the special case. By default, since ezmaster@5.2.11 no instance (container) is launched with advanced capabilities (not launched as root) HIGH Dec 2, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16768 In affected versions of Sylius, exception messages from internal exceptions (like database exception) are wrapped by \\Symfony\\Component\\Security\\Core\\Exception\\AuthenticationServiceException and propagated through the system to UI. Therefore, some internal system information may leak and be visible to the customer. A validation message with the exception details will be presented to the user when one will try to log into the shop. This has been patched in versions 1.3.14, 1.4.10, 1.5.7, and 1.6.3. MEDIUM Dec 6, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16769 The serialize-javascript npm package before version 2.1.1 is vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS). It does not properly mitigate against unsafe characters in serialized regular expressions. This vulnerability is not affected on Node.js environment since Node.js\'s implementation of RegExp.prototype.toString() backslash-escapes all forward slashes in regular expressions. If serialized data of regular expression objects are used in an environment other than Node.js, it is affected by this vulnerability. LOW Dec 13, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16770 In Puma before versions 3.12.2 and 4.3.1, a poorly-behaved client could use keepalive requests to monopolize Puma\'s reactor and create a denial of service attack. If more keepalive connections to Puma are opened than there are threads available, additional connections will wait permanently if the attacker sends requests frequently enough. This vulnerability is patched in Puma 4.3.1 and 3.12.2. MEDIUM Dec 6, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16771 Versions of Armeria 0.85.0 through and including 0.96.0 are vulnerable to HTTP response splitting, which allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary HTTP headers via CRLF sequences when unsanitized data is used to populate the headers of an HTTP response. This vulnerability has been patched in 0.97.0. Potential impacts of this vulnerability include cross-user defacement, cache poisoning, Cross-site scripting (XSS), and page hijacking. MEDIUM Dec 7, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16772 The serialize-to-js NPM package before version 3.0.1 is vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS). It does not properly mitigate against unsafe characters in serialized regular expressions. This vulnerability is not affected on Node.js environment since Node.js\'s implementation of RegExp.prototype.toString() backslash-escapes all forward slashes in regular expressions. If serialized data of regular expression objects are used in an environment other than Node.js, it is affected by this vulnerability. MEDIUM Dec 9, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16773 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: CVE-2019-20042. Reason: This candidate is a duplicate of CVE-2019-20042. Notes: All CVE users should reference CVE-2019-20042 instead of this candidate. All references and descriptions in this candidate have been removed to prevent accidental usage LOW Jan 15, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-16774 In phpfastcache before 5.1.3, there is a possible object injection vulnerability in cookie driver. HIGH Dec 12, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16775 Versions of the npm CLI prior to 6.13.3 are vulnerable to an Arbitrary File Write. It is possible for packages to create symlinks to files outside of thenode_modules folder through the bin field upon installation. A properly constructed entry in the package.json bin field would allow a package publisher to create a symlink pointing to arbitrary files on a user\'s system when the package is installed. This behavior is still possible through install scripts. This vulnerability bypasses a user using the --ignore-scripts install option. MEDIUM Dec 13, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16776 Versions of the npm CLI prior to 6.13.3 are vulnerable to an Arbitrary File Write. It fails to prevent access to folders outside of the intended node_modules folder through the bin field. A properly constructed entry in the package.json bin field would allow a package publisher to modify and/or gain access to arbitrary files on a user\'s system when the package is installed. This behavior is still possible through install scripts. This vulnerability bypasses a user using the --ignore-scripts install option. MEDIUM Dec 13, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16777 Versions of the npm CLI prior to 6.13.4 are vulnerable to an Arbitrary File Overwrite. It fails to prevent existing globally-installed binaries to be overwritten by other package installations. For example, if a package was installed globally and created a serve binary, any subsequent installs of packages that also create a serve binary would overwrite the previous serve binary. This behavior is still allowed in local installations and also through install scripts. This vulnerability bypasses a user using the --ignore-scripts install option. MEDIUM Dec 13, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16778 In TensorFlow before 1.15, a heap buffer overflow in UnsortedSegmentSum can be produced when the Index template argument is int32. In this case data_size and num_segments fields are truncated from int64 to int32 and can produce negative numbers, resulting in accessing out of bounds heap memory. This is unlikely to be exploitable and was detected and fixed internally in TensorFlow 1.15 and 2.0. HIGH Dec 19, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16779 In RubyGem excon before 0.71.0, there was a race condition around persistent connections, where a connection which is interrupted (such as by a timeout) would leave data on the socket. Subsequent requests would then read this data, returning content from the previous response. The race condition window appears to be short, and it would be difficult to purposefully exploit this. MEDIUM Dec 16, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16780 WordPress users with lower privileges (like contributors) can inject JavaScript code in the block editor using a specific payload, which is executed within the dashboard. This can lead to XSS if an admin opens the post in the editor. Execution of this attack does require an authenticated user. This has been patched in WordPress 5.3.1, along with all the previous WordPress versions from 3.7 to 5.3 via a minor release. Automatic updates are enabled by default for minor releases and we strongly recommend that you keep them enabled. LOW Dec 26, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16781 In WordPress before 5.3.1, authenticated users with lower privileges (like contributors) can inject JavaScript code in the block editor, which is executed within the dashboard. It can lead to an admin opening the affected post in the editor leading to XSS. LOW Dec 26, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16782 There\'s a possible information leak / session hijack vulnerability in Rack (RubyGem rack). This vulnerability is patched in versions 1.6.12 and 2.0.8. Attackers may be able to find and hijack sessions by using timing attacks targeting the session id. Session ids are usually stored and indexed in a database that uses some kind of scheme for speeding up lookups of that session id. By carefully measuring the amount of time it takes to look up a session, an attacker may be able to find a valid session id and hijack the session. The session id itself may be generated randomly, but the way the session is indexed by the backing store does not use a secure comparison. MEDIUM Dec 18, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16784 In PyInstaller before version 3.6, only on Windows, a local privilege escalation vulnerability is present in this particular case: If a software using PyInstaller in onefile mode is launched by a privileged user (at least more than the current one) which have his TempPath resolving to a world writable directory. This is the case for example if the software is launched as a service or as a scheduled task using a system account (TempPath will be C:\\Windows\\Temp). In order to be exploitable the software has to be (re)started after the attacker launch the exploit program, so for a service launched at startup, a service restart is needed (e.g. after a crash or an upgrade). MEDIUM Jan 15, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-16785 Waitress through version 1.3.1 implemented a MAY part of the RFC7230 which states: Although the line terminator for the start-line and header fields is the sequence CRLF, a recipient MAY recognize a single LF as a line terminator and ignore any preceding CR. Unfortunately if a front-end server does not parse header fields with an LF the same way as it does those with a CRLF it can lead to the front-end and the back-end server parsing the same HTTP message in two different ways. This can lead to a potential for HTTP request smuggling/splitting whereby Waitress may see two requests while the front-end server only sees a single HTTP message. This issue is fixed in Waitress 1.4.0. MEDIUM Dec 21, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16786 Waitress through version 1.3.1 would parse the Transfer-Encoding header and only look for a single string value, if that value was not chunked it would fall through and use the Content-Length header instead. According to the HTTP standard Transfer-Encoding should be a comma separated list, with the inner-most encoding first, followed by any further transfer codings, ending with chunked. Requests sent with: Transfer-Encoding: gzip, chunked would incorrectly get ignored, and the request would use a Content-Length header instead to determine the body size of the HTTP message. This could allow for Waitress to treat a single request as multiple requests in the case of HTTP pipelining. This issue is fixed in Waitress 1.4.0. MEDIUM Dec 21, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16787 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: CVE-2019-19905. Reason: This candidate is a duplicate of CVE-2019-19905. Notes: All CVE users should reference CVE-2019-19905 instead of this candidate. All references and descriptions in this candidate have been removed to prevent accidental usage HIGH Dec 21, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16788 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: CVE-2019-20043. Reason: This candidate is a duplicate of CVE-2019-20043. Notes: All CVE users should reference CVE-2019-20043 instead of this candidate. All references and descriptions in this candidate have been removed to prevent accidental usage MEDIUM Jan 17, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-16789 In Waitress through version 1.4.0, if a proxy server is used in front of waitress, an invalid request may be sent by an attacker that bypasses the front-end and is parsed differently by waitress leading to a potential for HTTP request smuggling. Specially crafted requests containing special whitespace characters in the Transfer-Encoding header would get parsed by Waitress as being a chunked request, but a front-end server would use the Content-Length instead as the Transfer-Encoding header is considered invalid due to containing invalid characters. If a front-end server does HTTP pipelining to a backend Waitress server this could lead to HTTP request splitting which may lead to potential cache poisoning or unexpected information disclosure. This issue is fixed in Waitress 1.4.1 through more strict HTTP field validation. MEDIUM Dec 26, 2019 n/a
CVE-2019-16790 In Tiny File Manager before 2.3.9, there is a remote code execution via Upload from URL and Edit/Rename files. Only authenticated users are impacted. MEDIUM Jan 7, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-16791 In postfix-mta-sts-resolver before 0.5.1, All users can receive incorrect response from daemon under rare conditions, rendering downgrade of effective STS policy. MEDIUM Jan 29, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-16792 Waitress through version 1.3.1 allows request smuggling by sending the Content-Length header twice. Waitress would header fold a double Content-Length header and due to being unable to cast the now comma separated value to an integer would set the Content-Length to 0 internally. If two Content-Length headers are sent in a single request, Waitress would treat the request as having no body, thereby treating the body of the request as a new request in HTTP pipelining. This issue is fixed in Waitress 1.4.0. MEDIUM Jan 30, 2020 n/a
CVE-2019-16793 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16794 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16795 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16796 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16797 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16798 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16799 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16800 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16801 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16802 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16803 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16804 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16805 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16806 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
CVE-2019-16807 Rejected reason: DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was in a CNA pool that was not assigned to any issues during 2019. Notes: none. -- Nov 7, 2023 n/a
The 'Fixed Release' column is displayed if a single product version is selected from the filter. The fixed release is applicable in cases when the CVE has been addressed and fixed for that product version. Requires LTSS - customers must have active LTSS (Long Term Security Shield) Support to receive up-to-date information about vulnerabilities that may affect legacy software. Please contact your Wind River account team or see and for more information.
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